Status: Let me know if I should keep going! :)

Alone in a New World.


Alex slowed to a stop, putting the RV in park. She got out of the driver seat and went to the kitchen area. She pulled out the largest knives they had, a rolling pin, and a meat cleaver from the drawer. She laid them out and went into the sleeping area. She changed into her most comfortable pair of jeans and a tank top she had bought in Bora Bora. Piper had watched her silently through this whole process, knowing she would explain herself eventually. She slid on her running shoes, and took up her supplies.
"Get changed, something you can run in. Something you can fight in." Piper shot up and started to panic. She had a pair of green hiking shorts, and a loose fitting top that matched pretty well. She put on her pair of running shoes as well, and looked at Alex approvingly.
"Only in the time of crisis can you look cute kid." She smiled at her and took her hand.
"Listen, whatever we face out there, we face it together. If it's like this everywhere, we're on our own. People are dying, people are dead. Those things, whatever they are, are dangerous and hungry. If I've seen any scary movies I know this much. Don't go out alone. Don't play hero. Don't draw attention to yourself. Most importantly, don't get bit. We have no clue what those things can do to us. So be prepared to fight. It'll be like that time we went to Japan, and we got free karate lessons form that sleazeball who tried to sleep with us."
Piper laughed at the memory. She looked into Alex's eyes, and kissed her gently. Knowing this could be the last time. Alex put the RV in drive and slowly made their way into the town. Everything was shut down. The bars, the stores, the restaurants. Not a single sign was lit up, not a single living person could be seen. There were, however, dead bodies strewn across sidewalks and entrances.
"This looks like a good place to stay, we can leave the RV running and grab whatever we need. Grab food, water, medicine-"
"Alex, I know what we need. You're the one who doesn't stock up!" She laughed nervously and stood up, preparing herself. Once more the RV was put in park, Alex gave Piper some of the weapons and put her game face on.
"Let's do this."
They exited the RV silently, scoping out the scene before them. The stench of rotting bodies filled the air. Piper gagged, holding on to Alex's shoulder as they went along. She signaled to Alex to look to her left, where a store front was already broken into. Alex nodded, and they proceeded with caution. There were no sounds, there was no wind. Just silence and stench. Something neither of them were comfortable with. They climbed through the window, Alex first with Piper right behind her. The store was silent as well. No power, no AC, no lights, nothing. It looked like it was a drugstore, one of those that had all the things you needed; food, drinks, toys, beach wear, sunglasses, medicine. The place had already been ransacked, so there wasn't much to choose from. There were a few bottles of water and juice that they picked up, and some Advil that hadn't been stolen. A few bags and boxes of dry foods, cereal and crackers. Things that hadn't been touched though were the magazines, the toys, and the other clothes. Alex knew better, she grabbed eight magazines and some duct tape. They checked the kitchen area to see if there were any knives left, or anything that could be used as a weapon. There was nothing. Not even any spatulas or basters. There was a sudden rustle behind the pharmacy counter, and Piper jumped. Alex took her hand and silenced her before she could yell. A body was rolling around, and Alex could see it over the ledge of the counter. No doubt it was a dead one, an alive dead one that is. Alex approached it silently and peered over to assess the state it was in. It had no legs, but two arms and a mouth that was still able to bite her. She took the knife she had and handed the supplies to Piper. She jumped the counter and stood over the breathing corpse. The smell was terrible, the sight almost as bad. Without thinking, she slammed the knife into it's head. A shrill scream came from its mouth, causing Piper to gasp. Alex stood up and ran to her, not waiting to see if that had killed it or not. She grabbed her and they ran for the RV, knowing that they had enough fun for one day. Piper was sobbing as they entered their safe zone. She looked at Alex who had a wild look in her eyes. She was shaking, but she searched the rooms thoroughly to make sure no one had gotten in while they were gone. They were safe.
"Al-Al-Alex" Piper sputtered, not knowing how to react. Alex went to comfort her but Piper pushed her away, a shaky hand pointed to her shirt. Alex looked down, and saw what had caused Piper's reaction.
"Oh fuck!" She grumbled, looking at the blood and guts that had been spattered on her.
"That's just fucking gross. Help me get it off Pipes, cut the shirt open. I'm not getting that shit on me." With a steadier hand now, Piper approached her and took the neck of the shirt in her hand. She was careful not to touch the blood, and careful not to hurt Alex. She made a quick and precise cut, that easily tore the rest of the shirt off. Alex stood there shirtless, staring at Piper.
"Pipes…" Her voice was shaky. A single tear rolled down her cheek before she scooped up the small blond in her arms and held her.
"That was so scary, Alex I've never seen you like this…that raw brutality…where did it come from?" She was almost convulsing in her girlfriends arms, she was scared beyond belief. Alex hushed her, and they stood there for a few moments just holding each other. When she was satisfied, Alex let her go and threw the shirt out of the window.