Status: Although this story is actually nonexistant, and it was never really started in the first place, it is finished.

The Penultimate Chapter: Then Everything Exploded.


“It’s not going to work.” Klare fretted, huddling close to the desk we were hiding under.
“Yes it is!” I yelled annoyed. “It’s going to work.” I was typing in the last of the commands to the computer. It was hard concentrating; bullets were whizzing past us, right and left, punching holes in walls, destroying office supplies.
“Can’t you hurry?” Justin shouted over the noise of something exploding. He covered his ears.
“It’s a little hard when things are EXPLODING, JUSTIN.” I shouted back. Something else exploded, just a few feet from where we were. Hot air rushed past us, along with melting pieces of plastic and sharp glass. Some of the debris hit my hand, embedded itself in the muscle. I think I felt something scrape my knuckle. I clutched my hands to my chest, screaming in pain and frustration.
“Alex, your hands!” shouted Klare. “Justin! Help him!” Klare scooted to my side while Justin tried to cross over to our desk. It wasn’t easy. The minute he moved from under his desk, the shooters targeted him like crazy. I knew he wouldn’t die- but it sure must have hurt. As soon as he got to me, he placed his hands over mine. My blood poured through his fingers, staining his pale skin. That was weird. I didn’t think a hand could bleed that much. I could feel the pain subsiding as soon as his skin touched mine. Grateful as I was that we were able to get a healer on our team, I didn’t thank him. I merely nodded my head and continued typing in commands.

I was grateful we had a healer on our team. I almost kissed him. I thanked him verbally instead, and continued to type furiously.
“Klare, can’t you do something about those shooters?” Mark asked. He tried to throw a desk into the wall of our enemies, but all he managed was to shove them a few feet in their direction. I could see by the look on his face that he was too exhausted to do much else. Telekinesis is a tricky thing; trickier if you haven’t had a good nights’ sleep in three days.
“No. They’re too far away. I can’t feel their minds from this distance. I’m sorry. ” She said pitifully. I growled, angry at her, angry at myself. I knew she should have had more training! But I hoped she could do this. She said she could do this. Who am I kidding, I shouldn’t have taken a rookie out in the field with us. Whatever, I had to concentrate on this code. A few more lines, and I was done. A red countdown sparked up on the screen.
“Done! Go, Go!” I shouted. We had about five minutes before the safety protocols of the building would set off a chain reaction, igniting materials in the lab, and causing the building to explode. I took the lead, knowing where the closest exit would be. Mark was right beside me, using his ability to protect us from bullets, flying office supplies, and the men in the black sniper suits. He threw open the door, and we ran out of the office. I led them through the white, maze like hallways trying to find an elevator. Soon, I heard the heavy footsteps of our pursuers. I spotted an elevator, told it to open with my mind, and we ran inside. Justin pressed the lobby button and the doors closed. For a moment, the complete silence of the elevator was shocking. All we could hear was each other’s hard breathing .As soon as the elevator doors opened to the dark marble lobby, we bolted out of there. This building seemed so… un-special. Now that I knew what had been inside it all these years, I didn’t know what was real. If something so mundane as an everyday office building could be harboring that , what does that say about anything else mundane? What did it mean about anything that seemed special?
I glanced at Klare, and I could tell she was thinking the same thing. As we passed the lobby doors, the building itself finally exploded. I was still looking at klare, and I could also tell from the look on her face that something hurt, fiery screaming hurt.
Then I felt the same thing as molten glass from the lobby doors embedded itself in my back, and quicker than thought, I was face down on the pavement. I wasn’t sure how I went from running upright, to this position. I think I was laying down. I must have been thrown from the explosion. Then pain, pain everywhere on my back, on my legs. It hurt like acid, and tasted like blood. It sounded like fear. I was afraid. I tried to turn my head, and saw what looked like the back of marcus’ head. I think that thing over there was Klares arm. I couldn’t see Justin. I tried to turn the other way, but the pain. The pain, the fire, my back. It hurt and I couldn’t stand it. So I blacked out.
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I really enjoyed writing this. Most of the time, when I read a book, I like to start right where the action is, and not a lot of books do that. They go through the routine- introducing the characters (usually at school or home) and it takes a while before the good stuff happens.
So that's what this is. All the good stuff. Well, I think so. Hey, thanks for reading, seriously. Even if it's just one of you, and you enjoyed it, I'm glad that someone else did too.