Status: 4th November 2013: taking part in NaNoWriMo so will probably update when that is finished. Sorry!

Currently Seeking: A Life


I suck in a deep breath and push through the door of the cafe. The flaking paint comes off red onto my hand and I should have taken that as an omen of bad luck to start with. Most people associate red with romance but I take the decidedly grimmer view that it represents trouble. Or danger. Probably death, too.

However, before I can talk myself out of doing anything rash, somewhere above my head a bell tinkles and announces my entrance. Every head in the nearby vicinity turns around to stare at me, each face wearing a mask of apathy and slight curiosity. Obviously, it is too late to turn back now.

There aren't many of them lingering in the steamy room though - last minute coffee-cravers before a presumably long drive home. Cassandra, the boss and owner, chose her business location very well.

Even as I walk past the small, wooden tables that are cloistered in the even tinier space, I wrinkle my nose at the smell of coffee beans but determinedly continue to make my way to the back of the room where I know Cassandra will be waiting. Sure enough, the moment I reach the counter, she bursts out of the back room with a pen tucked behind her ear and a checkered apron - the standard uniform - cinched around her waist.

"Violet!" she greets me enthusiastically and I feel a little guilty for bearing such gloomy thoughts about her cafe.

"Aunt Cass." I say, trying to keep my voice light as I reach to hug her.

Despite the title, she bears no relation to me in any way. She just happens to be best friends with my mother and the term, one that I have been using since childhood, has stubbornly stuck.

"So you've thought about it then? To work here?"

I cast a glance around the room again, staring into my imminent future - at least, until I find my feet.

"I've decided to take up your offer." I tell her quickly, allowing myself a small smile in reply to her gargantuan one.

"Excellent. I needed a few more staff members - especially after poor Mrs. Walker..."

Mrs. Walker is my predecessor - or should I say was. A tiny wisp of a woman, Mrs. Walker worked here ever since Cassandra first opened the place. At least, she did until she passed away a fortnight ago.

"So when do I start?" I ask brusquely, mostly to take my mind off deceased former employees and the potentiality of a jinxed job.

"Tomorrow, if that's fine with you? I'm starting to feel snowed under." she sighs, her attention perking up at the sound of the bell.

"Sure, I'll start anytime you - " I begin but she's already hurried off to greet the new customer. It must be bad, for Cass to admit defeat. She rarely allows herself to be beaten by trivial - or momentous - challenges. Coffee must be really popular around here.

I wave at her as I retreat to the door but she's too busy pouring out a drink and reaching for a cheese sandwich in the refrigerator simultaneously to see me.

Even though I feel as if I've just signed away my soul, I can't help but feel a smidgen of comfort - I don't know why though, and it bugs me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just something to start this off - I'm still in the process of planning it so I'm not sure how long it will take to post up the first chapter.