
Lunch Room

April 5, 2013 11:00 AM

The food was amazing, everything cooked to perfection. I sat next to Luke and this other woman, she was around 21 and had her baby with her. Her name was Juliet and her baby's name was Heather, age 1. Heather kept sucking her thumb staring at me across the table. I asked Juliet about her father, why Heather was just with her. Juliet told me how her husband was in jail for robbing stores and grand theft auto. He was just trying to get money for his family to go back to Washington where her family is. Before he got taken away he hid the money for Juliet to find so her and Heather could take the next train there to be safe with her parents. I felt bad for asking afterwards, Juliet's heartache showed through tears that streamed down her face.
She got up to go to the restroom, something must have felt my positive atmosphere and liked it cause she asked if I would watch Heather for a minute. I took Heather into my arms and bounced her up and down on my knee. She giggled and smiled a lot. Her smile reminded me a lot of my little cousin Ryder. I only saw him a couple times but each time I got told by my aunt and uncle that he got attached to me. For a month straight he continuously asked for me to come over and babysit him. I loved Ryder it's a shame that I never see him. Or never will see him.
Juliet came back like she said ,in a matter of minutes. I handed Heather to her and as she thanked me she walked away to her seat. I had no idea why but I really liked Juliet, she was so nice and sensitive. And seem so calm for her husband being in jail ,I think its because she knows she'll see him again. Me and Luke walked to the seats and discussed our meals and what we liked to eat. Luke was getting excited that Oregon was getting so close. He continued to tell me stories about him and his wife and all the adventures they went through together. I loved hearing his stories, they were all so inspiring.
No matter how happy I was that I finally left California and was on my own, I couldn't help but feel like that my parents were worried and upset. I miss them, but I want this... I need this. I just hope they understand.
April 5, 2013 11:35 AM