
Waking Up

April 6, 2013 8:00 AM

My eyes gently open to a wide stance. I quickly sit up remembering that I wanted to see Luke, I turn to my right and.....

He was gone.
I ran up to the attendant, where's Luke I repeatedly muttered to her. She said his stop already came up, he left. After saying that she looked at me, "He left you this letter". I took it and fell back into my seat. In a foggy cursive he wrote:

"Dear Isabell,

My child, you are so young, so gracious. So wondrous. It will always be
a pleasure to me that you were sitting next to me that fine day. To hear
me grief and sorrow over my wife. I wish you met her, she would have
loved to meet a adventurous traveler like yourself. I'm sorry I didn't wake
you to say goodbye, I hope you forgive me one day. Be careful on your
trip dear Isabell, you are more fragile than you let yourself know. Write
to me one day.
(his address)
I'm happy he at least wrote me a letter. But I still wish he would've said goodbye. I'll miss him on my journey dearly. Mother, Father, I miss you more then ever know. But my journey still lies in my heart and I must fulfill it. I was puzzling why Luke said 'you are more fragile than you let yourself know'. Did he mean he thought I was too young to be doing all of this? Too young to run away and travel solo. Or did he mean I'm still a girl, and there are may things that are dangerous for me to get in to. I guess that is something to think about. Self defense really isn't my strongest suite. I wish Sean and Jason were here. I never felt in danger with those two knuckle heads around.... I miss everyone. I love you Mother and Father. I hope you both are doing well and receiving my letters.
April 6, 2013 9:01 AM