
The Dream

April 6, 2013 2:41 PM

I had the strangest dream when I woke up from my nap. I was on the train tracks ,looking hard into the ground. Suddenly I screamed, I was terrified, all shook up. I was pulling my hair out and shaking and screaming just screaming so loud. Then I shot up forward, and looked straight into the train's light. And... It hit me. Just ran me right over, not a budge not a dent when even found in it. When I actually woke up I felt like I was still in the dream and saw the train light ,glaring into my eyes. I couldn't even see.
As I sat up to catch my breath and I slowly turned over. Though I wish I hadn't. Four ginormous paws slam down in front of my face, grazing my nose and scratching it by a hair. I froze. I didn't look up once or even move, but I felt it's hot breath sink into my hair. I just clenched my fists and breathed in softly and closed my eyes tight. So tight I specifically remember purple, red, pink, blue, and green colors swirling around my eyelids.
As soon as I lifted my eyelids, Mother... You wouldn't believe what I saw. A full grown brown male bear. His face was right against mine, he was breathing heavy and snarling at me. Looking at me dead in the eye. The center, pure center of my eye. I just lied there still. Hoping my patience would save me in return and he'd eventually get bored and walk away.
Now this next part, I have absolutely no idea why it happened but it did. My body went into such a shock I began to twitch out and shot my body straight up and was now sitting right in front of the bear. He jumped up and growled at me and started snipping my hair. I grabbed the can of bean and shoved it in his mouth and ran.
I ran to the nearest tree I could climb. This bear might have energy but not enough to climb up and get me. I saw the tree and adrenalin filled up my body and pushed but up the tall tree. He ran toward it and snacked it and groaned out of frustration. By the cut on his lip from the can I don't think he was so okay with me either. I decided at night I would go back to camp, get my stuff, and sleep in a tree , just for tonight. It's getting cold. And I'm scared. I miss you guys.
April 6, 2013 4:59 PM