

April 6, 2013 6:00 PM

Darkness covered the forest faster than I thought it would. I began to shiver, the chills of the shadows over ruling the light spread cold winds throughout the trees. I eventually climbed down and gathered my things and left for a tree that was suitable for sleep. I'm now in my tree as we speak. It's a bit comfortable ,besides the stick in my back that's practically stabbing me. Oh and the leaves falling on my face. That's not too pleasing either.
But at least that bear left. Thank god. Still though, the more it gets dark the more I start to miss my parents. I miss Mother's warm presents and how it fills any room up. Her grace as she talks and walks around talking to guests and bringing them food and drinks. Mother's a great host. Father on the other hand was always out working. Which isn't a bad thing but it also meant that his social skills with Mother's friend's wasn't how she pictured it. He was a gentleman and still as classy as can be, but got very annoyed with the women guest complaining about their men never being home. I understand why though, Father always was working for me and Mother to live in a great house and be treated like queens. It was his job for him to do that.
I remember one time me and Father snuck out to the ice cream shop when I was little to get away from the adult women. He smiled at me and whispered "Don't tell your Mother, she'll be very upset. But it'll be our little secret princess.". We ate giant cones of ice cream filled with vanilla and mint. The flavor would fill your mouth to the point where you tasted it for hours. I never wanted to brush my teeth after that!
Mother... Father... Was this a good idea? Should I really be doing this, I mean it's already hard to turn back now but... I'm scared. There's barely enough light for me to even see what I'm writing. I almost died. Luke isn't here to guide me through anything, or tell me stories. I feel more like a kid than I teenager right now. It's like all I want to do is be back at home in my bed. But I know I'd regret it. That bit of regret is what keeps me here. It's what makes me legs move on a get excited about the next destination I come across. Oh, and I'm thinking of sending a letter to Luke. To tell him thank you and such. And I really need you guy's to deliver a message to my friends. I, I really miss them too.
It's getting late and dark, I'm just going to sleep through tonight and get moving early in the morning light. I hope you two are okay. I love you Mother, I love you Father. Goodnight.
April 6, 2013 7:01 PM