Sequel: The Summer After

Junior Year

Spring Season (3.2.14)

First full week of track this week, but I'm missing Thursday and Friday 'cause I'm going on a school field trip to explore colleges. I can't wait for track season to start. I'm hyped cause we're gonna beast this year. We got a lot of promising freshmen too, so I'm looking forward to great seasons for jv and vars. Vars is gonna wreck it this year though. Other note, I'm trying to figure out who to ask to prom, and how to ask them, because I'm definitely going to prom this year. It's between these two girls at school, that I'm both pretty close with, but I guess I'm just not sure yet. Then after, the field trip I got a 3 day weekend...but I gotta make up all the shit I missed, including two miles for missing two track practices. Fuck. Oh well, field trip is gonna be lit.