Sequel: The Summer After

Junior Year

Sick Dance (5.6.14)

Prom on Saturday was fuckin' awesome. Totally let out that night, drank hella soda and had hella crepes. Returned with my friends at around 1 and then some of us went to a diner. It was soo fun, but I stayed up too late I think, and now I'm sick. Track PAL trials are this Friday and I'm still kind of sore, so I'm not totally ready for it yet, but I'm definitely training. On the way back from prom, I started thinking about what kind of girlfriend I really want, because I don't want to settle, I want someone who's right for me. My date was fun, but she wasn't really my type I realized, and then I started to think about who my type was. That was on Saturday. Now it's Tuesday, and I've got 3 new "crushes". One girl from swim and water polo, who's pretty cute, and definitely an overachiever. She's a freshman, and caught my eye last Friday. The other one's a badminton player who has a certain aspect of outgoingness and cuteness that matches up with my standards. She's a sophomore and caught my eye yesterday. The last one just happened to catch my eye today and she's a freshman. She went to school with me before high school, but I never really knew her then. She's on the track team, and she's cute and outgoing and does track. Haha. It's a real interesting pursuit right now.