From Death to Destiny


Danny spent a full four months in getting help and getting better. He was finally on the right medication, going to the right therapy, and living with the right friend. They excitedly set plans for a tour. A month passed before everything was set in place and Danny, Ben, James, Cameron, and Sam were stepping on their bus. All had smiles on their faces, no horrible tension was in the air. It was just the solid five of them and their music. It was just like the first time they'd done this but much better. They were back and they were better then ever.
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I leave this off with a very short paragraph of an ending. I hoped you liked reading it and if not then I am sorry you wasted your time with this.

If you haven't already go buy Asking Alexandria's new album 'From Death to Destiny' It's amazing. I give it a pretty solid four stars.

Thanks for reading.