Status: completed.


lamp post.

The hospital was filled with nurses and doctors running back and forth to check on patients. He walked through the hospital, looking for a certain bed. He'd been told that it wasn't serious, that it was just a concussion and a few scratches to say the least. He didn't want to wait around for her to come home, and she would need a life home anyway, wouldn't she?

Finally, he found the bed that she sat on. He had expected the worst. But, she seemed fine. Her lips turned into a smile when she saw him. He rushed towards her, gathering her up in his arms.

"I was so worried," he exhaled into her ear. She just laughed at him. She knew that he worried about everything that happened to her; even at the littlest paper cut he would worry. He let her go and looked down at her. "What happened?"

She laughed again, remembering what she had done. "I drove my car into a lamp post," she shook her head at her stupidity, "I wasn't paying attention. Then, bang, I hit the lamp post."

He grinned at her, imaging what little thing she had been distracted by. Probably the radio station or something like that. "I'm just glad that you're okay. Don't worry me like that again," he told her, sternly. She nodded her head at him. "Next time, it could be worse."

Again, she nodded her head. "I promise that I will pay attention as to where I am driving," she promised, hugging him again. "Hey, Joshua, do you think you can grab me a coffee? I've been here for a while, and I'm parched."

He let go off her and nodded, still grinning. He walked away from her, and she ran a hand through her hair. A nurse walked over to her. "Is that him?" She asked, giggling slightly.

Hope put her feet up on the bed and nodded, biting back a grin. "Yeah, that's him,"

"Oh, darlin', he seems wonderful. Have you told him yet?"

Hope looked at the cheery, brunette nurse. She smiled at her slightly. Hope shook her head, and replied, "I just don't know when to tell him. It will break his heart."

The nurse nodded and walked away. Hope placed her head in her hands, how could she tell him? He would have a nervous breakdown, she was worried that he might start drinking again. She desperately didn't want that to happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't even know what to say about this chapter other than: so, she has a secret, yeah. That's all.