And Now We Run.

There's always something. (2)

"Earth, the year 1969!" The Doctor announced as he raced around the Tardis, pushing this button and pulling that lever. "The year Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. Good ol' Neil, I knew him once, good man. Mind you, he never really seemed to like talking too much, all he ever wanted was a bit of space," He joked, his smiling fading when he remembered no one was listening.

The Tardis was silent apart from the soothing hum it created and an occasional bleep coming from various instruments laid out on the complicated control board. The Doctor sighed slightly, looking down at the console as he rested against it, his skinny hands splayed out in front of him. Ever since Donna left everything felt 100 times more quiet, she had been known for her loud mouth and fiery attitude but at least he had had someone to talk to... More like listen to when it came to Miss Donna Noble. It left the place with a cold silence. Even the Tardis seemed to be a little more quiet now they were alone once more.

Snapping out of his deep and mournful thought, the Doctor suddenly sprang back into life, dancing around the central control console, sliding from panel to panel. He tweaked the settings of some strange ball like knob thing, flicked a few switches and tapped a few keys. To anyone else, this would look like he was throwing his weight about at random, but in reality he knew exactly what he was doing. His hands whizzed about the, multi-sided control console at an extraordinary speed, his head bowed and his eyes intense with concentration. His large brown eyes flickered to the computer screen from time to time, until he pushed forward one final lever, causing the tardis to suddenly lurch forward. The Doctor held onto the console as it sped through the time vortex, grinning widely as he still attempted to flick more buttons and turn knobs despite the floor beneath him rocking from side to side.

"Feisty today aren't you?" He asked the ship, looking up at the large tube in the direct middle of the room, glowing lights cascading down before shooting back up again.
A sudden groaning erupted from under his feet, shuddering through the metallic panels of the flooring and causing the whole console to shake and tremble. The Doctor's thick eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he looked towards the glowing green tube.
"What's up with you today, hey?" He asked the ship, "You're acting all weird." No reply came back.

Suddenly, with another shuddering thud, the Tardis landed. The Doctor stared at the controls, and then stalked towards the computer screen which was bleeping frantically. The Doctor pulled out his thick-framed glasses, placing them roughly on his head as he stared at the blue-lit computer screen, pulling it forward so he could see more clearly. His eyebrows furrowed even more as data suddenly started streaming on the screen by an astonishing rate. He could read it all as simply as reading a book.

"2010?" The Doctor asked, his voice rising slightly. "But I wanted 1969! What's wrong with you today? I know your timing can be a little off sometimes but this is just ridiculous! What on earth have you brought me here for?" He asked, suddenly pulling himself away from the screen and slipping his glasses off.

"Right," The Doctor began, gritting his teeth slightly as he returned to the console, flicking a few switches with one hand while stretching the other arm out to pull a lever on the adjacent control panel. "1969, lets try again shall we?"

He flew round the console again, mocking the same actions he had done the last time, only this time adding on a few extra touches to strengthen the navigation a little.
"Right that should do i- Nononononnnonono!" He cursed as the screen suddenly began flashing urgently and the rocking of the ship suddenly got a lot more harsher and more extreme.

Hazardous lights were bleeping frantically as the ship rocked and turned, buttons rattled in their holds and knobs started spiralling out of control on their own will. The Doctor urgently started trying to put everything right again, pumping a lever continuously while stretching over and flicking more switches back into place.

"No. No. No. NO!" He kept repeating, as the Tardis jittered about, tumbling rapidly through space and time, smoke started to pour out of various cracks in the console.
"Bad, this is bad, very bad," The Doctor muttered, still not giving up on saving his ship, flicking more switches into place.

And then it happened. The Tardis thudded to a stop. The lights blinked out and the bleeping stopped, leaving only the silent hum and an occasional groan left in place. The Doctor staggered back from the console, staring at the dead electronics in a stunned silence. It was out. It was dead. Everything had shut off. The power was gone. Drained. Something had drained the power.

"No," The Doctor breathed once more, staring at his beloved ship.

"2010," He muttered to himself angrily, walking over to his favourite long brown coat which was slung over the chair and slipping it over his scrawny frame. "Why 2010?" He asked no one in particular. "What a boring time," He added. "1969 was much more fun," he grumbled. He approached the doors, spinning on his heels and looking back at the console. "And you can't even bring me anywhere interesting anymore," He shot back, glaring at the dead console before swinging open the doors and stepping outside.

He looked around the street. London. At least London was a little interesting. Lots to do. Alright, who was he kidding? There was always something interesting to do. Number 1 being: Find out what source stole his ship's power. That would be a helpful thing to do. And maybe also ride on the London Eye afterwards. That was number 2 on his mental list. He was starting to feel a little guilty about being so harsh to the Tardis, it wasn't her fault she had her power drained out by some unknown source.

The Doctor stuffed his hands into the overly large pockets of his long brown coat and started rummaging around the expanded insides, pulling out a small device and flicking it one. It looked like a walky talky with a screen, even had a pull-out antenna to go with it. The screen lit up as he turned it on, a slow and repetitive beeping suddenly bursting into life as it began scanning the area. Nothing. The Doctor muttered something under his breath, squinting his eyes as he looked around his surroundings and stuffed the device back into his coat pocket.

"Looks like I'm on my own with this one," He told no one in particular. "Sneaky thing wont even show up on the tracker," He muttered to himself.

The Doctor strolled through the bustling streets of New York, looking for something, anything in particular, that looked out of the ordinary or power-sucking related. There was nothing. Just the usual hastily moving crowd full of scurrying shoppers and miserable looking businessmen on the way to meetings. The heaving traffic was noisy and loud, beeping horns and growling engines surging through the atmosphere. He prowled through the street, being swarmed by outdoor markets trying to sell various goods and jewelry to him. The air was wafted with the heavy smell of baking bread mixed in with pollution and various mixes of perfumes as he passed from person to person.

He would occasionally slip out his Sonic Screwdriver from his pockets, taking sneaky readings from the inside of his coat as he scanned the area once more. Nothing in particular turned up so he carried on with his search, looking for anything that seemed out of the odd.

"2010," He muttered once more miserably to himself. "Why couldn't I have gotten lost somewhere more... exotic. Hawaii would have been nice, at least then I could have had a bit of relaxation while I was recovering my Tardis' power," He complained. "I mean, this time zone is so... Plain. There's nothing interesting going on here- Oh," He stopped dead in his tracks.

A young girl was pushing her way through the crowd, wearing a hoodie with the hood up and a ruck sack slung over one shoulder. She was hastily shoving past various people as she barged through. But it wasn't the girl that struck as odd to the Doctor, it was the people chasing her. There were five of them, dressed fully in black suits and wearing shades. They were following close on her tracks, looking determined and desperately trying to reach the girl as she fled. As the girl passed him, he caught a breath glimpse of her under the hood. She only looked to be about 15/16, nothing interesting about her apart from the fact she was being chased by the "Men In Black".

What interesting the Doctor was why they were chasing her in the first place. So he did the one thing he always did. He spun around on his heels, forgetting his own little private mission and setting a new one. Stick his nose into other people's business. It's what he loved doing best.