Youtube University

Chapter 1

This was it, the morning that would make or break me; the start of my first day at boarding school. It was already halfway through term, which meant everyone would already know each other. Furthermore, it wasn’t your average school, oh no - that would have been much easier. It was more of a college, really – its pupils ranged from 16 years old to 26, and so at just sixteen I was going to be one of the youngest there. As well as that, the prestigious school had a peculiar entry requirement; prospective students had to have more than 100,000 subscribers on YouTube, hence why I was starting so late. I had just reached 100,000 subscribers a month ago, and after doing so I was immediately contacted by Mr Simons, the school's headmaster.
whilst I was scrolling aimlessly down tumblr, occasionally reblogging funny GIFs and fandom references, an e-mail came through to my phone.
Dear Ms Amelia Chambers (Amysfangirlworld),
We are pleased to inform you that you have been granted a place at YIE, otherwise known as the YouTube Institute of Education. We realise that by the time you join us, it will already be halfway through the term. However, we feel that you will be the perfect addition to our school. Please reply with your answer within the week and congratulations on reaching 100,000 subscribers.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Simons
Headmaster, YouTube Institute of Education
I closed tumblr and logged on to YouTube to make sure that the e-mail was correct. As soon as I saw my subscriber count, I screamed and pinched myself. My mom ran to my room, frying pan at the ready.
“Amelia, what’s wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?” she questioned, out of breath from dashing upstairs
“Nothing’s wrong, mom - in fact, everything is great. I just reached 100,000 subscribers on YouTube and I've won a scholarship to an absolutely brilliant school!” I squealed.
“Oh, well done sweetie, that’s amazing!” she enthused.
*end flashback*
I checked my reflection in the window. My straight blonde hair was as dull as usual, but at least I was happy with my outfit for once. I had chosen to wear my light blue skinny jeans, a blue and white striped top, and, of course, my trusty old sandals. I headed inside the main reception and walked up to the desk. I was shaking with nerves; what if it was all fake? What if nobody liked me? What if I…
“Erm, miss?” The man behind the desk was trying to get my attention.
“Sorry,” I replied quietly. Great, I had already messed up. “I’m Amelia, I’m meant to be starting here today.” The man clicked some files on the computer and with every second that ticked by I became more and more anxious.
“Ah yes, here you are,” he said as I breathed a sigh of relief. “Here are your dorm keys and your timetable. Let me just ring for someone to show you around. If you would like to take a seat in the waiting area over there, please.” He gestured to a small and colourful seating area in the corner of the room and I settled down in a overstuffed green armchair. I couldn’t help thinking it would be great for curling up and reading in.
Moments later, a tall boy appeared at the main desk; strangely enough, the back of his head seemed very familiar. It didn’t surprise me too much though, seeing as everyone here was fairly famous on YouTube.
“Um… Hello?” Oh great, I had got caught up in my thoughts again. I glanced up and standing in front of me was Dan Howell.
“Oh…Erm, hi!” I managed to stutter out.
“Amelia, right?” I nod and he flashes me his adorable smile. His dimples were ten times cuter in person. “I’m Dan, Danisnotonfire on YouTube and-“
“I know who you are,” I cut through with a sudden burst of confidence “I mean you’re practically YouTube royalty, what with over 1.6 million subscribers and all!” I gushed. He grinned again (I had no doubt that his smile always make me melt, no matter how many times I saw it) and offered me his hand to help me up.
“I’m hardly royalty!” he chuckled.
“Yeah, but you’re still really famous,” I smiled.
“Hmm, I suppose so, but anyway, let’s get going so we can be done by lunchtime. You can sit with Phil and I until you meet some other people.” With that, we took off down a long hallway and out of a door at the back of the building. I’m glad Dan chose then to go, otherwise I would have been reduced to a fangirling mess over the prospect of eating lunch with him and AmazingPhil.