Youtube University

Chapter 6

It was now Saturday and my first week had gone fairly well, I had even managed to make a few girlfriends. Don’t get me wrong the guys were hilarious but they were guys after all. I still haven’t found out who exactly Dan was on about that night though, he seemed fine when he was around me anyway so I just let it drop. As for Luke he had helped me catch up on all my chemistry and we have been talking and texting non-stop ever since. Today I was heading into town with Carrie and Taylor is coming to see me for the weekend. We are meeting her at kings cross train station and then we are heading to Oxford Street. She won’t shut up about how she is going to finally meet all the youtubers she stalks; it’s quite funny actually because a week ago that was me getting ready to come to YEI.
I walk in the kitchen to find Carrie already there eating her breakfast.
“Good morning Carrie” I sing cheerfully
“Good morning Amy” she sings back. I grab an apple from the fruit basket and wait for Carrie to finish her breakfast.
“So does your friend know I’m coming to?” she asks.
“No but she adores you, I just want to see her fangirl” I laugh.
“Well then we better get going then.” She then links her arm through mine and pulls me along with me. We fill the trip to the station with idle chatter and we soon arrive at the station.
“Come on her train isn’t due for five minutes lets go get a coffee” Carrie suggests.
“I don’t really like coffee” I state. Carrie turns to look at me as if I have said something blasphemous. “I’ll come with you though I could do with a drink”
“how can you not like coffee” she asks astounded
“I don’t like any hot drinks, not even hot chocolate” I watch as Carrie stands there doing an excellent impression of a fish. Eventually I just drag her with me to the coffee stall and she snaps out of her weird trance. We sit at a table and Carrie continues to ask me questions about my eating habits until I receive a text from Taylor
Taylor: I’m heerreee
Me: in the coffee shop…
Carrie and I wait for Taylor to turn up; she is about my height so usually she isn’t hard to spot especially because she wears the most ridiculous heels possible. I glance over at Carrie to see her rifling through her bag
“Have you lost something Carrie?” I ask curious as to why her head was inside her bag.
“You said she was a fan, I was looking for hopeful pin and I think… I’ve found one” she pulls out a purple dragon pin and puts it on the table just in time for me to hear a gasp come from the side of me.
“Hey Taylor, this is Carrie, Carrie this is Taylor.” I introduce them Carrie looks at her and a spark of recognition flashed through her eyes
“Amy, I didn’t realise that you meant Taylorsimagination, I watch her videos” Carrie said excitedly getting up and walking over to Taylor, handing her the pin. Throughout all of this Taylor was speechless, which is a very rare occurrence with Taylor. I couldn’t help but laugh as Carrie commended her on her videos; she looked like a rabbit caught in headlights.
“Come on guys we should get back to the dorm and drop of her bags so we can go shopping” I managed to stop laughing long enough to snap Taylor out of her trance and we got going. When we reached the dorm we bumped into Dan, for me that happened to be literally.
“Hey Dan, this is Taylor” I introduce him.
“Hey Taylor nice to meet you” he holds out his hand for her to shake but she has frozen again.
“Taylor, Hun, if you keep freezing they will all think you are weirder then you actually are and I will stop introducing you to them” I told her sternly and she unfroze straight away shaking Dan’s hand.
“Hi Dan. I’m Taylor… where’s Phil?” Taylor asked looking around
“Ah yes, as always Taylor sorts out her priorities.” I laugh. “She has a rather large crush on Phil you see” I say as I duck under Taylor’s hand. “Now, now there is no need for violence” I chuckle. “Come on you can meet Phil later; let’s get your bag upstairs so we can go out”