Status: ACTIVE. / Also, I made this rated R just in case. It's flexible. I'm not too used to Ratings yet so... Read my profile / message me if you'd like to know more. (I own nothing but my own ideas.)


And Maybe We'll Never Land.

I was so upset at everything. Nothing was calming me down and i needed to just go and leave. Anywhere and everywhere would be a better atmosphere for me right now.
I couldnt believe what was happening. After all this time running and yet still we are thrown back into the land of darkness. All because of the stupidity of our damn parents. We were supposed to be done with all this mess. He was supposed to be gone. Dead. Over. All of it was supposed to be over.
They lied. All of them lied.
I couldn't stand this place truthfully. Thiese walls and doors. So beautiful yet nothing but a dark prison.
Thats why i left. I was done with it all.
I couldn't do this. Not again.
Never would i be that person again.

"what are you doing? " a familiar voice asked.
" walking. " i said bluntly.
" you can't just leave Eliana! " Draco said suddenly.
" Watch me. " i stated, clearly pissed. He
He rushed up to me and took my wrist. " you have an obligation to your-"
"TO WHAT?! " i shouted. My voice echoing through the street. "Huh Draco?" i asked. This just confused him. "To my Family? The family that has lied, cheated, and even killed, to get where they are! They are all Masterful Manipulators and I'm sorry but it's a tallent I'd ranther not have."
"Eliana your an Aldridge. " Draco stated.
I laughed. "You honnestly think i am going to give a shit what those people think of me? This life will KILL you Draco. THEY will kill you. This isn't just some social status game this is real life, cut throat serial killer bull shit! That I dont want any part of."
"What choice do you have Ell? What coice does either of us have?! " Draco shouted angrily." it's who we were born to be. You can't pretend otherwise. "
I laughed and just walked off. I wasn't doing this.
" Bullshit. " i turned back to him. I was so floored, so pissed and he knew it. He looked scared. " Do you honestly believe all that crap our parents tried to brainwash us with? "
He stood there stunned. Questioning. He shook his dirty hair and glaired at me. "w-well it doesnt matter. We cant change anything. It's who we were ment to be, we have no choice Eliana!"
I laughed simply. I couldn't believe him right now. "You always have a choice Draco. Even if they dont want you to see it." i said calmly. I took his wand hand and angled it at my heart. I stepped back onto the street and spread my arms wide, giving him a free shot.
"go ahead." i told him simply. Draco froze, his eyes wide and face scared shitless.
"you know what we are! What we're 'ment to be! " i shouted. I was so frustrated so done with it all. " DEATH EATERS! "
I struck a chord. That i knew. He stold there emobilized by what i just said. I'm not sure that the realization had hit him before that moment. And i wasnt about to stop.
"If i was to die tonight..." i asked tiredly, dropping my arms in frustration. "would it tear you appart?"
"Eliana, what? " he asked softly.
" would you yell it from the rooftops down? " i said, my eyes never left his as i walked back towards his outstretched arm. Challenging him.
"Untill it's over, and your older?" i finished and placed the tip of his dark wand at my heart. Knowing any moment he could slaughter me in one flick of the wrist.
His face went blank and paler than his hair. His wand hand never wavered. Yet his sparkling grey eyes were so intense, so swimming with emotion. Whatever he decided i was honestly ok with. I couldn't have cared any less in that moment weather i was alive or dead from the situation.. And i think somehow...
he knew that.
"if what you say is true, we are who we were born to be. Then by their standards i am now, from this moment, considered a traitor to the' 'Dark Lord' and should be tortured and killed by the hand of their own" i stated blankly.
I angred him. He was so pissed. There was a fire burning in him.
Would he do it?
Could he do it?
Did i know the answer?
He could kill me right now, without a doubt dead.
I had no control.
I stared deeply into his eyes, watching the gears turn in his mind. Draco tried to hate me in that moment. I could sense it. He wanted so desperately to do right by his father and prove his family name right then. But it was written all over his face.
He couldn't do it.
We both knew that.
"Your no killer Draco. " i laughed unamusedly. " you may just want to mention that to your father one day. "
I stormed off and kept walking till i was i good far distance from that horrible place. I could hear Draco's footsteps behind me and i was so frustrated that i couldnt even tell weather i was pissed off or just annoyed.
So i ran.
And he followed. I could hear him cursing behind me and yeah sure i knew i couldnt outrun him fo long. I was faster than him yeah, but damn he had endurance.
Finally i stopped next to an old abbandoned mansion. Catching my breath before i had an asthma attack right there and died myself. I nelt down clenching at the icy block in my chest.
" Eliana are you mad?! " Draco shouted as he instantly pulled me to my feet and burried my body protectively into his chest. " Your going to kill yourself one day."
"so? "i said dully as i heaved slow deep breaths.
" so im probably going to get gragged along in the process. " he laughed. It was quite unexpected.
I smiled slightly and looked up at him. I had a plan. Right then like a light bulb. A plan for him to truly see thing through my eyes.
" Come with me! " I said instantly.
Draco smiled brightly and playfully leaned his forhead into mine.
" Where on earth could you possibly want to go at this hour Love? " He questioned.
I laughed childishly before snatching Draco's hand and rushing off to the old mansion.
"Wha- Eliana? Will you slow down!" Draco mumbled as we reached the front porch. "What has gotten into you girl?"
Ignoring him, I quickly pulled out my wand and muttered Alohormora several times before wrenching on the door handle and kicking it in frustration when my attempts to open the blasted thing had failed.
"See, it's locked magically. Can we go now?" Draco whispered as if he would get us in trouble.
"Stop being such a baby Draco." I said in annoyance as I walked around to the back of the house.
There was a second story window just near an over hang that looked low enough to reach if I jumped.
"What the hell are you doing?" He asked clearly amused by my antics.
"You'll see." I mumbled before trying a running start only to be pulled into Draco's warmth.
He laughed and hugged me tightly. "Love you could have just asked." Draco whispered as he kissed my cheek and lifted me into the air easily.
"Alright fine, but no staring at my ass." I grumbled while reaching for the roof.
"Ell." Draco laughed and I could just feel that jerks eyes on me. "You probably should have mentioned that a long time ago then."
I scoffed at the thought and pulled myself onto the roof. Playfully I glared down at him and watched as Draco simply shrugged and gave me that oh so charming smile of his.
That man is such a player..
I rolled my eyes and after I shimmied the window open I helped pull Draco up onto the roof.
"What the bloody hell are we doing this for?" He asked as he followed me through the window and into the room.
I groaned and turned to the fireplace. "Dude, do you ever stop bitching? God, your like a hormonal school girl."
"Are you ever going to be nice to me?" He laughed as I dug through my bag. "Please Ell?"
Draco gave me a sullen nod. I sighed.
"Look Mr. Malfoy, I'll make you a deal. If you can give up Your title, status and all that crap for one night.." I paused and ushered him into the large fireplace. "I'll grantee you a pleasant evening, ok?"
He watched me in confusion for a moment. "What do you mean?" He asked sincerely.
"I mean.." He laced his hand within mine and I suddenly noticed how unsparing this fireplace was in it's space. " For one night its just you and me. No future. No past. Nothing in-between. Nothing else matters tonight, ok?"
Draco's blue eyes lit up and a smile beamed across his handsome face. "Where are we going Ell?" He asked simply.
I smirked before laughing childishly and gazing up at him. "To NEVERLAND!" I shouted as I slammed the floo powder into the stone let the cascading flames carry us into a spiraling oblivion.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooohh Spooky! Whats Neverland, where is it, and why does Elaina want to go there?
I'll give you a hint, it's not what your thinking. lol
And whats up with all that anger?
you'll see..

Anywho, Hope ya'll liked it. Feel free to let me know what ya think.
I debated on weather or not to make this all one chapter but I split it up just to make ya'll wonder. haha please don't throw things at me!

Until next time ~ AshesX3.