Hypnos Nýx

Be stealthful as the night and as deadly as the coming dawn

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"Tell me what it is like." Delcine whispered, her orbs falling upon Lee Joon's delicate facial features. He had finally peeled his aimless gaze away to stare back at the woman before him. Lacerations had been scattered about the gorgeous skin on her neck. Hand marks caused by his dominating brother. Just the sight made his blood boil. The shackles around his wrists had thawed with ice, his fingers curled with rage, "Tell me what it is like...to be free."

"What is there to tell you?" He whispered, voice a mere croak, "Being free and not having a care in the world. Doing what you please while the rest of the world can fall to the Underworld itself. What more can you ask for? There is a difference between those who are free and those who are enslaved."

"Go on then."

"People like I, the free...we are strong. We fall aimlessly, fearlessly. But people like I? We hand our hearts over carelessly. It is what I have done for you, Delcine. And this is where I have ended up. This is where my fate, our fate has brought us. The worlds are broken, the Eclipse has settled in. This war will tear all of us down, kill the ones who need be saved. So tell me then, why are you not with the Prince, fair maiden? Why waste your time in the cellar with an outcast that has been given just hours to live?"

"Because I too wish to be free." Delcine whispered, Joon pulling his orbs up to meet her eyes. They were masked in a layer of pale green fused with gray. So beautifully entranced, so fearless that he simple couldn't fathom that simple fact.

"It doesn't matter who you are." He stated with horror, "Brother will slay you."

She raised her hand, a violet mass had curled around her palm and against her serene nails. It shot out like a ray beam, sizzling into the shackles about his hands and feet. Joon choked slightly, finally being able to breathe properly. The chain around his neck had frozen significantly and with a pull of his frame did the metal disintegrate like dust. His pool like eyes had cascaded over to Delcine's small frame, seeing her flawless skin contrast against her attire, "So be it. If Prince Cheondong want's war, then a war he shall recieve."