Two Worlds Collide


When he thought about it, Brendon supposed that everything has to happen for a reason. There was a reason his dad left his mom, a reason they moved to Vegas when he was twelve, just in time for the perils of middle school. There was even a reason for Ryan Ross, he supposed. Though that one he was admittedly still figuring out.

Brendon Urie moved to Summerlin with his father due to the latter meeting his second wife, Tessa online and chasing her halfway across the country. Brendon had no desire to meet the wealthy daughter of Vegas’ old money entrepreneur Matthew Wilson. Brendon also had no desire to rot away in a trailer in Main with his mother and her nine thousand rules. So that is how he ultimately went from trailer trash Urie to mansion-boy, slumming it up with Vegas’ elite.

Day one at Becker middle school had Brendon eating lunch alone and praying to make a single friend. Day two had Brendon pushed into a locker and called a fag for talking to a skinny boy in his music class. By day three Brendon swore that he would be one of the popular boys if it was the last thing he did. He would not be the loser new kid for long. Day four had Brent Wilson, Tessa’s little brother who was Brendon’s age (though Tessa herself was only 24 at the time) and coincidentally, had many classes with him. Brent seemed to get a kick out of telling all of his friend’s that Brendon was his “nephew”. When word spread that Brendon wasn’t just some loser kid, but was basically a Wilson, well, everything changed. And thus, a star was born. Brendon Urie – Popular edition.

By the time the boys reached High School, Brendon’s first few days in Vegas were long since forgotten. He had managed to surpass even Brent himself in popularity. Brendon had begun to rule the youth of Summerlin in just two short years. Everything was great, he had the coolest friends, as much money as his slutty step mom was willing to bribe him with, and grades perfect enough to get him to his dream college in California. There was only one set back. And this set back’s name was Ryan Ross.

Ryan had always prided himself on having a remarkable gaydar. He could not remember a single time that it had been wrong. And he stands by his gaydar 100%. Being a gay teenager in Vegas was bad enough. He didn’t need to be barking up the wrong trees, he has enough bruises without that, thanks.

Ryan set his sights on Brendon Urie the moment he saw him. He was thirteen years old, sitting in his music class, doodling rainbows onto his notebook when he heard the door of the classroom open up. As he glanced up, his eyes landed on this lanky, weird kid with shaggy brown hair falling into his large brown doe eyes and he was wearing fucking red framed glasses. Ryan fell in love instantly.

The second day that Brendon came to school, he seemed even more scared than the first. Ryan, of course, knew that Brendon was as flaming as they came, so he wondered if the jocks had already gotten their hands on him. He decided that he was going to be friends with Brendon. I mean, the kid was new, completely gay (Hello, red framed glasses?), and Ryan was completely love-struck. So he picked up his notebook and his bag of sharpies and maneuvered his way between desks to where Brendon had taken his seat in the back corner, and plopped down onto the seat next to him. “Hey. I’m Ryan. You’re new, yeah?” Ryan had never been the shy type. He noticed Brendon eyeballing the rainbow doodles decorating his notebook, before glancing up into Ryan’s black lined eyes with a flick of judgement. Ryan had never been the type to hide who he was, either. In fact, he flaunted it. He worked it.
“Yeah. I’m Brendon.” Was all the shy boy had said. His voice was melodious! Ryan just loved him already and prayed he wasn’t in the closet. Ryan didn’t need any more secret hook ups with the closet case assholes. He wanted more. He could see it now. Walking into school hand-in-hand with Brendon while all the girls glared at him in immense jealousy, because let’s be honest, with a haircut, Brendon would just be the most gorgeous boy in all of Las Vegas. Possibly the world. But maybe Ryan was getting ahead of himself.
The class was filled with hushed conversation between the two boys as they tried to get to know each other. Ryan was excited that Brendon wasn’t an asshole, but was actually kind of perfect. And Brendon was excited that someone finally talked to him.

However, after the first week, Brendon acted as if he’d never met Ryan. And Ryan was not pleased. He was not one to be pushed aside, or fucked with. So as Brendon climbed the ladder to popularity, Ryan sulked and decided that Brendon would not forget him. Ryan would make sure of that. Brendon would be Ryan’s on day. Brendon just didn’t know it yet.
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I've always had a problem with taking on too many stories at one time....but this is only two! And I'll stop. Honest.

But anyway, here's a ryden. Hope you like it!

AND: I thought of it while listening to Sk8er Boi, so you really can't not like it, y'know?