Dear You

Dear You - My Amigo

Dear You,

You know me and I know you. We're pretty close, in fact, you're probably the person that's closest to me, even though you don't know it. I hated you, until last year when we grew on each other and actually became friends. You annoyed me so much but we got over it and you are actually the nicest person I have ever known. We've had a lot of fun times and hilarious memories that I'm going to remember forever. And I'm so glad I met you.

And, well, the truth is, I like you. A lot. And I have for some time now. I just never knew how to tell you.

I've liked you since the start of second year, and I've managed to keep it from everyone... so far. I love it when you help me, when you're nice to me and do stuff for me that you really don't have to do. I love how we're so similar yet so different and how you see right through me. You are actually concerned and you can tell when I'm lying.

You are the best friend anyone can ask for and I like you... probably more than I should. And I hope you like me too. Everyone tells me that you do but I don't believe them. I want to hear it from you.

I've thought about asking you out a few times but then I remember the day in History in first year when you said that you like the traditional way where the boy asks the girl so I let it slide. But I'm just waiting for you to ask me out...

Well, this is basically my confession and just to say that, I really am glad that I met you and I've meant every single word I have said in this. Bye...

From Rachael-Louise