We Could Watch It Fly and Just Keep Lookin' On

The Forest Of Chakra

Kakashi opened his eyes slowly. "I think I over did it with my Sharingan," Suzume smiled down at him. She and Sasuke carried Kakashi all the way to Tazuna's house. Lucky for her he had woken up during her shift.

"Are you okay, Kakashi-Sensei," he looked over at her smile.

"A wonderful thing to wake up too...I've been better. You're hair..." he stared at her for a moment. "It suits you, Spunky."

"Half Chakra dead yet you've still got that sense of humor. Think you're goin' delusional, hon. It'll be at least a week before you can move normally, so just sit still, okay?" She covered him up with another blanket. "Gave us all a huge scare back there. I know the Sharingan's powers, you know that I'm sure. The Uchiha's can handle it because of their Kekkaigenkai, but you're not an Uchiha, so maybe it's not worth the strain it puts on you."

"I'm sorry."


"I let him hurt you."

"Could have been worse you know," she looked at the starry night sky and she yawned. Kakashi looked at her then lifted up the covers. Suzume raised an eyebrow and he cocked his head. She crawled under the blanket but didn't go anywhere near Kakashi. Suzume curled into a ball and fell straight to sleep. Kakashi looked down at her as he sat up.

'I feel numb yet warm at the same time, a weird sensation. I will protect her next time,' he ran a finger down her arm gently and he laid back down and fell back to sleep.


Suzume woke up and next morning and nearly jumped out of her skin. Kakashi had an arm wrapped around her and she was resting against his chest. She slipped out of his grasp and stood up,

'What happened last night? When I fell asleep I wasn't anywhere near him and then I wake up like that... Did he do that consciously...? No, he must have done that in his sleep, that happens...right?'

"How long have you been awake?" Suzume jumped and whipped around. Kakashi was sitting up in bed.

"Just a few minutes, I've been thinking."

"About Zabuza?"

"Yeah, that one ninja said he was a tracker ninja. But I was listening to the lesson on tracker ninja, they're supposed to work on the body right on the spot, that one didn't, he took it away somewhere. And he used Senbon Needles, unless they hit a vital organ, they don't kill. And there aren't any vital organs in the neck, so..." Suzume sighed, thankfully, she was able to think quickly in a situation such as this.

"You think Zabuza's still alive?" She nodded slowly. "I was thinking the same thing, that tracker must be working with or for Zabuza. He was watching the battle and when he saw that I had Zabuza trapped he stepped in and stopped Zabuza's heart."

"But what are we going to do, you're hurt, and can hardly move. But we'll do alright in the meantime, you'll be back to normal in time."

"You're wrong! Nothing's gonna be good!" A little boy stood before her.

"Who are you?"

"That's Tazuna's grandson, Inari."

"You're all gonna be wiped out by Gato's men! If you want to stay alive, you should go back where you came from!"

"You're welcome," she followed the little brat up the stairs as Kakashi called her back. She opened his bedroom door and Inari sat at his open window, looking out the window at the ocean, crying.


"Okay, training starts now. We're going to climb a tree."

"Climb a tree?!" Cool, something even she could do!

"That's right! But just one rule. You can't use your hands."

"What? You're kidding?"

"Am I?" Kakashi winked at all of them. "Let's see," Kakashi did a hand sign, dust kicked up lightly at his feet, and he limped over to a tree, holding himself up using crutches. He lifted his foot up and walked up the tree trunk as if he was walking on the ground. Suzume stared in disbelieve, this was gonna be tricky, more for her then any of the others due to her non-Chakraness.

"Wow, he's climbing straight up, only using his feet!" Kakashi walked to a branch, an stood upside down on the underside of the branch.

"Well, you get the idea! This is one way to apply your chakra!"

"That's a nice trick, but how does it help us fight Zabuza!" Sakura yelled shrilly.

"It's the only way to fight him Sakura! That's the entire goal of this training. To learn to control your chakra flow. If you can master this then you can master any jutsu. Well theoretically. I can talk about this all day, but that won't improve your skills now will it? You need to apply the power of chakra," Kakashi threw down four Kunai knives, each landing in front of one of his students. "Use the Kunai Knife to mark the spot on the tree of which you reach the highest. Then try to get past that mark the next time. First you'll need to run at the tree and use your momentum to take you as high as possible. Until you get the hang of it, are you ready?" Naruto grabbed the Kunai knife energetically.

"I'm more then ready, believe it! You were the one who said I've grown the most!"

"You definitely talk the most now do it already!" Everyone charged at their tree, Naruto fell off on the first step, Sasuke got halfway up the tree, and Sakura got to the top of her tree. Kakashi looked at Suzume, who hadn't even moved yet. "Suzume?" She looked up at Kakashi.

"I don't know what to do..." Kakashi looked at her, he knew what she was feeling. She felt so helpless, so different from everyone else.

"It's not so hard, Suzume! You just have to focus your ch..." Naruto looked down at the ground.

"Don't worry, Suzume, I have something very special planned for you. I'm going to teach you how to fly."

"Really? That sounds so cool, Suzume's gonna fly!" Kakashi walked down the tree.

"Continue you're training!" He looked at Suzume, she couldn't see it, but it looked as though he was smiling. "You didn't really think I was gonna leave you out of this did you? I know your powers are special, and the only way you would be able to walk up the tree would be to bend the tree to your will, having the bark wrap around your feet, that would take much too long. Instead, controlling your elemental powers is an essential. And air is one of the most demanding elements, since it is ever changing. So listen carefully. What I want you to do, is channel the air around you, focus it under your feet to push you up, and make you float. With hard work, it'll become second nature to push the air around your entire body with ease, making you fly," she nodded, this was a challenge, and she was up to it.

"Thanks sensei, it will get done!" He smiled and he backed up, watching intently. Suzume sighed and closed her eyes, and opened them again, Naruto gasped, her eyes were pure white. He had seen her eyes change colors many times, but he never quite understood why. Naruto snuck over to Kakashi as she concentrated.

"Sensei, why does her eye color change like that?"

"It's Kekkaigenkai, a disadvantage in some cases. When her souls energy is concentrating on a certain element their eye color will change. Like, her eyes are clear now, white is the color used to symbolize the air, and when their eyes change it helps them see only the element they are working with. Red for fire, blue for water, green for earth, white for wind. She only sees the air around her now."

"So, why do they say that is a disadvantage?"

"Because, if she were to be fighting an opponent, let's say me, who knows the secrets of her Kekkaigenkai then alls they would have to do was look in her eyes, to see what element she was focusing on. If her eyes were red, I would quickly perform a water jutsu, making her element useless," Naruto nodded.

"That can be bad."

"But it can also be very amazing. Her father, who was so skilled could use two elements at once. His eyes were amazing, one eye one color, the other something different. He was so skilled, he could even concentrate on the water in a humans blood stream, and heat it with the ninja's core temperature, making them boil to the point of death... he was a truly skilled ninja. And I can see that her."

"She's amazing all right, believe it!"
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