We Could Watch It Fly and Just Keep Lookin' On

Battle On The Bridge! Zabuza Retur

Suzume laid on the ground, the sun beating down on her, she felt claws, only a centimeter wide poking at her skin. Suzume had been awake for hours, but she hadn't been able to get up. She had used all of her spirits energy, and she wouldn't be moving for a while. A pack of sparrows had landed, sensing her energy, almost asking if she was all right. She let them perch on her body, it made her feel special in a way.

'How many people could say they had become a birdhouse for an hour? Not many I'm sure.'


Kakashi looked at the seat next to him as Sakura walked in yawning.

"Suzume isn't here yet?" Tazuna sounded genuinely concerned.

"She never came in last night..." Sakura said through a yawn.

"Looks like she was out all night again..."

"She's gone completely insane, she's trying to fly...in the dark. She could be dead by now...who knows?" Sasuke stood up angrily. He glared at Sakura viciously, who backed off immediately. Sasuke walked to the door.

"I'm going for a walk."

"Well I certainly hope she is alright..." Tazuna's daughter walked in with a tray of tea. "A child spending the night in the woods alone."

"There's no need to worry," Kakashi closed his eyes and smiled. "She may be a bit, unnatural, but she is extremely powerful, even if she doesn't know it. She is her fathers daughter."


A shadow stood over her, a pair of red eyes stared down at her. "You're coming with me...Suzume," she couldn't breathe as those red eyes stared into hers, she could feel her airways being closed off. Suzume gasped for breath as he just stood above her, watching her. "Suzume!" Suzume opened her eyes, and stared up at Sasuke. He looked back at her confused, the birds had all flown away.

"Did you forget all about breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry," he stared at her, he was obviously waiting for an explanation.

"I still can't get it. I try and try but I can't even get two inches off the ground," Sasuke folded his arms and nodded.

"Stand up," she raised her eyebrows, but did so, with a little difficulty. "Concentrate, don't think of anything else. Don't think about me, or your parents, or anything. Just focus on the air around you, swirl it in a vortex around your feet," she sighed and closed her eyes, opening them once again and they were clear. The air swirled around her feet almost angrily. "Now, pushed the air down, don't try to push yourself up, force the air to the floor," a moment passed, she gasped and smiled, and Sasuke smirked in accomplishment.


"Suzume?" Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi walked into the clearing. "Where are they?"

"Hey guys!" Suzume waved at them from a rather high tree branch.

"Wow, Suzume, how did you get so high?" Naruto ran to the base of the tree, he stared up at her and smiled.

"I climbed of course, but I thought that was your mission?" Suzume flipped herself upwards but her foot missed the branch and she began to fall.

"Suzume!" The fall could kill her, Kakashi watched in horror as her teammates screamed. Suzume's eyes turned clear and she floated in mid-air, everyone's mouth fell open, she was floating.

"Gotcha! You guys seriously thought I was gonna let myself fall?"

"We were worried about you, Suzume!" Sakura screamed.

"Why do I have a feeling this is gonna end badly?" Kakashi asked himself. A strong gust of wind caught her, and she lost her concentration. Kakashi's eye went wide, she was really falling this time. Suzume screamed, a flash of blue, and a hand grabbed onto her ankle. Sasuke hung upside down from the tree branch she had just fallen from, only using his feet.

"You just had to push it?"

"Yeah, but if I hadn't we wouldn't have been able to show off what you have accomplished!" She gave him a toothy grin, and he sighed, but smiled to himself, it was a small smile, so small, the others on the ground couldn't see it, but she could.

"All right Sasuke, you're the best!" Sakura screamed merrily.

"If I'm still sane by the time I finish their training it will be a miracle."


It was at least midnight, Sasuke looked at Suzume from the very top of his tree, she floated above him calmly. "Let's go back."

"You bet!" It was almost impossible for Sasuke to walk, he had used up so much Chakra, surprisingly, he allowed her to help him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she placed her arm around his waist, and they slowly made their way back to the house.

"What happened to you? You looked like something the cat dragged in," Tazuna was just as polite as ever...

"And when has that ever changed?" He chuckled slightly. "We made it sensei, we made it to the top!"

"Good, starting to tomorrow you are all Tazuna's bodyguards."


"Tomorrow the bridge will be almost complete, and we have you to thank for that," the dinner table was being cleared, and after dinner tea was being drank. "I've been meaning to ask you this, but I haven't had the time until now. Why did you stay here to protect me? Even though I lied to bring you here?"

"Those who stray from the path of duty have no courage, Under the wing of a strong leader, cowardess cannot survive. That was a quote from the first Hokage," Suzume raised an eyebrow, how was this answering Tazuna's question? Inari stared at Suzume intently, staring at her scratches and her bruises. He began to cry.

"But why?"

"Why what?"

"All this stupid training, it's all for nothing. Gato has an entire army, he will break you down and crush you! These cool things you all say, they don't mean a thing! No matter what you say the strong always win and the weak always lose."

"And that's your opinion. But to me, you can do anything if you're willing to fight for it. Especially if it's against the odds."

"Why don't you just shut up! Just looking at you makes me sick. You don't know anything about this country, you're just butting in!"

"I didn't come here myself, I was asked to help your grandfather."

"I hate you! You're always joking around, you don't know what it's like to suffer, to be kicked when you're down."

"Why don't you learn some respect you little punk," her chair was kicked and it smashed into the wall. "You don't what it's like to be courageous, you're so god damn bitter about your own life that you can't be bothered to celebrate your fathers. You blame him because he didn't save your village. I'm sure he did his best, and that's all you can ask from someone!" Suzume growled angrily and slammed the door, Inari stared at the table crying.


Inari sat out on the deck, staring at the waves, a plunk hit the boards, Kakashi limped out of the house. "Can I talk to you?" Inari didn't say anything, but he sat down next to him anyway. "Suzume can be a little bit...harsh sometimes, but she doesn't hate you. Your grandfather told us about your father. You may not have known this, but Suzume also grew up without a father. He was killed in battle the day she was born, while her mother was having her in fact. When her mother heard the news, she lost the will to live, and she died that night as well. She never knew either of her parents, she only knows of the stories that have been left behind by their legacy. She has some mighty big shoes to fill with parents like hers. Everyone expects the child of great parents to turn out even better. But there wasn't a better set of ninja's in our village, no one could ever measure up to them. But she tries everyday, as hard as she can, because she wants to make them proud of her. She went through life without the light of parents, but she has made up for it in friends. Sasuke and Naruto have been her friend every since she was a young girl. My guess is, she got tired of crying, and decided to do something about it. She knew she would never have another set of parents, so she surrounded herself with the most powerful ninja in her village, so she had guidance, and something to look forward too. Even though she's young and still learning, she knows what it takes to be strong. Like your father did. I think she knows better than any of us, what you're going through. What Suzume told you earlier, as cruel as it sounded, she's probably told herself that a thousand times before."


Naruto laid in bed, he had gone out in the middle of the night, to try and out match Sasuke. He had used up to much of his chakra, he was almost dead when Suzume had found him the morning, she carried him all the way back to Tazuna's house, where he now slept.

"I leave Naruto in your hands, he over did it, as usual..." Kakashi nodded to Tazuna's daughter. "He may not be able to move today at all!"

"What about you? You're still recovering yourself."

"Why? Do I look wobbly, I'll be okay!" Kakashi waved them off, and they all set out to Tazuna's bridge.

"What the hell?!" Everyone gasped as slain bodies lay everywhere. The bridge builders were all dead. "What happened? Someone was here, someone got to them!"

'No, they just dropped dead on their own...' Suzume smirked. 'Zabuza is back!' A thick mist covered the earth around her.

"Sasuke, Sakura, Suzume, get ready!" They all jumped around the bridge builder. "I knew he was alive, he just couldn't wait for round two!" Her heart was beating rapidly.

'This is it.'

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Kakashi. I see you still have those brats with you. That ones still trembling, pitiful," she could hear the clank of Sasuke's Kunai Knife, he was trembling. So, if Zabuza could see that, he had to be close by. She gasped as five Zabuza's surrounded the bridge builder.

"I'm trembling with...excitement!" Sasuke smirked and in seconds, Sasuke had destroyed all of the clones, reducing them to puddles at her feet.

"Ooh, so you could see they were Water Clones could you? The brats improving. Looks like you've got a rival, Haku."

"So it would seem," the boy that had impersonated a Tracker Ninja and had 'killed' Zabuza stood beside him with honor.
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