We Could Watch It Fly and Just Keep Lookin' On

Zero Visibility! The Sharingan Shatters

Naruto attempted the Shadow Clones again, it was no use, it would never work. They were all destroyed, and Suzume and Sasuke were attacked once again. That same slicing feeling, a feeling she was all to familiar with. The pain was nothing, it was her helplessness that was getting to her. She had always been a strong one, one who was there when her teammates were down and needed help, but now she couldn't do anything, she could only get knocked down constantly, and she hated it. Naruto tried again, but instead of sulking, this time she paid attention. Sasuke kicked up some water, and she noticed, some of the droplets were disappearing, and the clones were disappearing in a specific pattern. But all of the reflections were staying in place, none of them were moving, they were just a distraction. Naruto tried the Shadow Clones again, but this time Sasuke had a plan, he used one of his fireballs at the precise point that Haku should have been, and he was there! Haku stopped surprised, but quickly dodged the fireball and continued the Senbon attack. Near the end of the attack, Sasuke tried his fireball again, and this time, he nicked Haku's pant leg.

'Yes! Now it will be easy to tell the different between a reflection and the real Haku!' Sasuke was smirking, he knew he had gotten the timing down.

"I was close, but I didn't quite get to him!"

"No, Naruto, you did. You allowed us to calculate Haku's movements, and figure his next moves. You helped us so much, Naruto. Thank you," Naruto looked over to Suzume and she smiled, giving him a thumbs up.

"Hey, Naruto. Can you do it again?"

"Of course, nothing can stop me, believe it!" The mirrors began to shine, he was going on the attack again.

"Naruto, get out of here, attack from the outside, hurry!" Naruto ran for an opening between two mirrors. Sasuke saw Haku chase after Naruto, and he unleashed a fireball. In quick succession, Haku threw a Senbon at Sasuke and dodged the fireball. The masked boy appeared in front of Naruto and kicked him back.

'Sasuke is gonna die if I don't do something, but I can't control metal, I don't know how to do that yet!' She made a split decision, she jumped up and dove in front of Sasuke. The needle stuck into her ribs, and she fell to the ground...hard. Sasuke stared at her. 'Oh damn, why did I do that? That was stupid! Mental note: never do that again.'
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(I'm sorry this one is so short, most of it was flashbacks and Kakashi and Zabuza talking!)

("God this sucks! My friends are dropping like flies, and I can hardly breathe!"
"Why did you do that? Why did you sacrifice your life for mine?! I'll never forgive, if you die here in my arms!"
"Next Time: The Broken Seal!")