We Could Watch It Fly and Just Keep Lookin' On

Tenth Question: All Or Nothing!

"Okay!" Ibiki shouted, gathering the attention of the remaining Genin. "I will now give the 10th question!" Suzume let out a sigh, everything was riding on this question. "But before that, there is something I must say. There will be one special rule for this last question," the doors opened and Kankuro stepped through with one of the Sentinels. Suzume hadn't even noticed he had left. "You're lucky, your puppet show didn't have to go to waste," Suzume smirked, whatever Kankuro had done, they had noticed it. Oh well, sit down. I will now explain! This is... a hopeless rule."

'Hopeless, what it that supposed to mean?'

"First, you will all choose if you wish to take the last question or not."

"Choose?" That girl with Gaara and Kankuro spoke up. "So, what happens if we choose not to take the tenth question?"

"If you choose not to take it, your points will be reduced to zero. In other words, you will fail. Your teammates will fail right along with you," protests across could be heard. "And here is the other rule. If you choose to take it and you get it wrong, you will... Lose privelage to take the Chunnin Exams forever!"

"What kind of dumb rule is that!?" Kiba stood and pointed a finger at Ibiki. "There are lots of people here who have taken the Exam in the past!" Akumaru barked in agreement. Ibiki began to laugh.

"You are just unlucky. This year, I am the ruler! That is why I gave you the option of quitting. Those who are not confident can choose not to take it and take the exam next year, or the year after that. Let's begin, those who do not wish to take the tenth question, please raise your hands. There was a long pause, when finally someone raised there hand, after the first one, more started to raise their hands. Suzume sighed to herself.

'I know I'm not going to raise my hand. It was an honor to be here as a four-man squad, I'm not going to throw away this chance, it will never come again. Even if I become a Genin forever, that's fine, I don't care. I'm not going to screw this up for Naruto and Sasuke... and Sakura too I supose,' Suzume looked behind her, Naruto had his head ducked, his shoulders were shaking. 'Naruto... he's to stubborn, he won't raise his hand. But... Naruto has a dream, to be Hokage. He won't be able to do that if he is stuck as a Genin. I can't let you do that to yourself, Naruto," Suzume didn't take her eyes off of Naruto as she began to raise her hand. Her wrist was slammed back onto the table, she looked very started at Kabuto, who shook his head firmly. Suzume looked back at Naruto, who had his hand raised. 'Naruto...?' Quickly, Naruto slammed his hand onto the table.

"Screw you! I'm not going to run away! I'll take this problem! Even if I become a Genin forever, I'm going to become Hokage no matter what anyway! I'm not scared!" Suzume was grinning ear to ear. "Right, Suzme!" She pointed to Naruto with both pointer fingers and winked.

"Right!" No others raised their hands after Naruto's little speech.

"Nice determination! Then... For the first exam, everyone here... Passes!" Suzume stared at Ibiki in total confusion.

"Wait! What is the meaning of that!? We pass all ready? What about the tenth question?"

'Of course... Sakura hears she passes and she has to argue. She hears she fails and she has to argue, is there any winning with that girl?'

"There was no such thing to begin with!" Ibiki had the cheekiest smile on his fave. "Or you can call the two-choice question the final question."

"Wait! So what were those previous nin questions? It was all a waste!"

"No it wasn't..." Ibiki looked up at the ceiling. "The nine problems accomplished their task. The purpose to test everyone's information gathering skills."

"Information gathering skills?"

"First this test's purpose lie's in the first rule... Your pass-or-fail decision is based on your three person squads. By giving you that idea, we have given you an unprecedented amount of pressure to not be a nuisance to your team."

"Yes, yes, I was expecting that in this test," Naruto said confidently from his seat. Suzume shook her head, neither of them had noticed the point of the test...

"But these test problems can not be completed by you Genins. So most of you had to have come to conclusion... 'I have to cheat to get points.' In other words, this exam was given for the purpose of you to cheat, and cheat affectivly. So we snuck in Chunnin's who knew the answers to be the center of attention."

"It was so obvious you had to be a really bad ninja not to notice it!" Suzume's shoulders sunk as she heard Naruto say those words.

"But those who cheated like a fool failed, of course. Why? Information can be a greater value than life at times, and in missions and battlefeilds..." Ibiki took off his headband, which doubled as a bandana, to reveal his scalp which was covered in scars, puncture wounds and burn marks. "Information is contested with the lives of people! The information by an enemy after being noticed is not always accurate. Remember this: Getting inaccurate information can cause trouble for your teammates and village! So, we made you gather information in the form of cheating. We kicked out those who were no good at it, and that was the tests purpose."

"But I still don't get the tenth question thing..." The blond Sand nin spoke up again.

"The tenthe question was the main part of the first exam! The tenth question was a "take or don't take" choice. Needless to say it was a painful two-choice problem. Those who did not take it failed with their two teammates. If you chose to take it, but did not answer it correctly, your right to take the exam would be taken away forever. It was a very insincere problem. On a mission, you can't afford to turn-tail and run. You bring disgrace back to your village and your teammembers. I am saying that those here who decided to take the tenth question, have chosen the right answer. You have broken through the entrance. The first part of the Chunnin Selection Exam ends now! I wish you luck," Naruto cheered excidetly. Something broke through the window, two kunai stuck into the ceiling and a busty woman with purple hair stood proudly in front of a banner.

"Everybody, there's no time to be happy! I am the second examinar, Anko Mitarashi Let's go to the next exam! Follow me!" Ibiki stepped iritated from behind the banner.

"Grasp the atmosphere..." Only Anko understood what that meant apparently, she reminded Suzume of Naruto in a way.

"Ibiki, you let twenty-six teams pass? The first exam must have been too soft!"

"It looks like there are a lot of excellent students this time around."

"Oh well, I'll make sure that more then half of them fail the next exam," she sounded pretty confident. "I will explain tomorrow, we will gather somewhere else, ask you Jonnin teacher about the rally place and time. That is all, dismissed..."


"What is this place?" All the remaining teams stood in front of a fenced in, deep forest area.

"This is where the second part of the Exam will take place..." Anko stated from in front of the mass of Genin. "The forty-fourth training area! Also known as the Forest of Death.
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