We Could Watch It Fly and Just Keep Lookin' On

Ascended From Above: Like My Goddess

"Why are you here?" Suzume asked, laying her hand gently on her knee, it was aching slightly.

"What are you guys thinking!?" Choji yelled. "These guys are dangerous."

"I know it's troublesome..." Shikamaru grabbed Choji's scarf to keep him from running. "But we have to do it. Now that Ino has revealed herself we men can't just run away."

"Sorry to drag you guys into this," Ino flicked her ponytail over her shoulder. "But we're a three man squad. Everything's just better when we're together."

"Oh well, whatever happens, happens," Shikamaru stated boredly.

"No! I don't want to die yet!"

"You aren't going to die..." Suzume said calmly. "I've got your back if you have my front..." She gave Ino a cheeky grin.

"He's got all of you covered, he'd have ten you covered!" Zaku joked loudly.

"What did he say...?" Choji said angrily.

"I said you can go jack off in the woods if you want too, you fat ass!" Suzume's jaw dropped in total amazement, and then she began to cower.

"I'm not fat! I'M BIG-BONED! Hurray for big-boned people!" Chakra swirled around his feet.

"Rock on, brother..." Choji pointed at Ino and Shika.

"You two understand that this a battle between Leaf and Sound!?" Ino smiled.

"The Ino team is going in with everything that they have! Formation Ino!"


"Cho! Double Weight Technique! Konoha stile hand-to-hand combat! Meat Tank!" Choji's arms, legs and head disappeared inside his clothes and he became a gigantic bowling ball, rolling around quickly.

"What the hell is this? It's just a fat ass rolling! Air Cutter!"

"Remora!" Zaku gasped as Suzume's forced air canceled out his attack.

"Why you...!" He turned up the pressure, and Suzume pushed right back. Choji rolled up into the sky, the unnamed ninja ran towards Suzume and Shikamaru stopped his with his Shadow Possession Jutsu.

"Dosu! What are you doing!?" Kin shouted.

"Ino! Now it's up to you women!" Choji nearly landed on Zaku, which gave Suzume a break from her attack. Her arms immediately flopped to her sides and she panted in exhaustion. Ino landed next to Suzume, Lee in her arms.

"Keep him safe," she ran over to Shikamaru. "Okay, Shikamaru, take care of my body!"


"Mind Transfer Jutsu!" Ino fell limply into Shika's arms and Kin dropped her head. Suzume rested Lee's head on her lap and began to stroke his bangs gently.

"Damn it!" Zaku shouted as he had to dodge Choji again. "Kin!" The female didn't move. "What's wrong!?"

"This is it!" Kin held up a Kunai to her throat. "If you move, this Kin girl is dead! If you don't want to die here, leave your scroll and get out of here. Once you two are back enough so that we can't sense your Chakra, I'll let the girl go," Zaku smiled and sent a blast of air to Kin, which knocked her back into a tree, blood dripped from Ino's mouth. Shikamaru's shadow receded.

"I see that your Shadow Possession Technique only lasts for about five minutes or so... And that girl is able to slip into an opponents mind and control their body. Seeing the blood, if we kill Kin, the girl will die as well..."

"He wouldn't..." Suzume said softly.

"Close you almost had us!"

"You let your guard down..."

"How disgusting..." Suzume gasped and looked up. The rest of Lee's team was here. "A mere Sound Ninja... Acting like winners beating on those second-class ninja?"


"It looks like he screwed up..."

"You guys keep coming out like roaches..."

"What did you say!" The boy with eyes like Hinata said angrily.

"If you don't like what we're doing, why don't you come down here and do something?" Suzume could feel herself shaking in anger.

"No, there's seems to be no need for me to that..." Suzume was shaking uncontrollably and Shikamaru turned around.

"Ino! You better get out of there!" The ground began to tremble, Lee slid off of Suzume's lap as she slowly stood up using only her left leg. The sky grew dark, black low clouds were sliding together, blocking out the sun. Suzume's neck went from side to side, as if she was possessed by some demon, her head fell back and she froze. Ino returned herself to her own body, Neji wouldn't take his eyes off of the young girl. Everything went cold, shadows covered everything. Slowly, Suzume's head began to lower again, and everyone gasped. No one could see her eyes any longer, they were glowing white, like headlights. Rocks began to slowly levitate off the ground as it began to thunder ominously. Ino, Shikamaru and Choji all jumped into the tree that occupied Neji and Tenten. Wind gusted around them angrily, it felt as though a hurricane was coming.

"What's going on!" Tenten yelled over the thunder.

"I don't know!" Shikamaru yelled back. "I've never seen anything like this from her before!" The sound ninja stared at Suzume as she stared back, those white eyes looking back at them.

"You hurt my friends... I can't let you get away with that!" She screamed and lightning poured from the clouds. Zaku screamed as he was struck, Dosu barely dodging a bolt.

"This is to much for us! She's to strong!" Her head shot towards Kin and the Earth opened to her will, Kin grabbed the edge to keep from falling into the crevices. Dosu looked up at the sky. "The four elements of a storm... Wind, Thunder, Lightening and..." Dosu gasped.

"You guessed it... Rain," it began to pour, centimeters of water covered the ground every second. Dosu couldn't get away from it, it was knee deep in half of a minute. The wind continuing to whip everything around, a large snake of water attacked Dosu, pushing him back into a tree instantly. Water continued to smash into his chest. The water slowly receded and disappeared, but the clouds didn't leave.

"Please..." Dosu held his chest and coughed. Suzume cocked her head to one side.

"You ask for mercy? Yet you gave us none? Why should I grant it?" Something clutched her ankle and she looked down angrily. Lee was staring up at her, his arm wrapped around her ankle.

"Stop this, Suzume..."

"You're strong... we cannot defeat you, Suzume. Let's make a deal..." He set an Earth Scroll at her feet and bowed. "Please, let us leave for now," those glowing eyes stared at him. He waited, trying with all his might to stop from shaking under the gaze.

"Leave us now," Dosu picked up his two teammates and jumped away. The clouds receded and Suzume's eyes turned to their normal shade of black. She looked down at Lee, looking very confused. "Why am I standing up? What happened?"
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I love how awesome my brain is sometimes!