We Could Watch It Fly and Just Keep Lookin' On

You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision

Kakashi disappeared in a cloud of smoke and in his place was a log with Sasuke's Shuriken embedded in it. 'A Substitution Jutsu! And now he knows where we are!' Suzume and Sasuke took of running, she jumped into the trees and ran across the branches. Sakura screamed from somewhere in the forest, Suzume stopped. "First Naruto and then Sakura, he thinks he's so tough yet he's only taken out the two weaker ninjas on our squad."

"Say that after you take one of my bells, Spunky," he pushed off the tree and she jumped into the clearing. She looked at the bells and her eyes flashed red, Sasuke jumped out of a bush and preformed the Fireball Jutsu,she used her powers to intensify the flames. All that was left was a charred hole, Kakashi was gone. Out of nowhere he grabbed her from behind, grabbing her hair and yanking it backwards, she felt the cold feeling of metal against her throat. "Leave now, or Suzume dies," Sasuke looked at Suzume for a moment before running at Kakashi. A hand shot through the ground and grabbed Sasuke's ankle. Kakashi pulled him under the earth and ran off with Suzume. He stopped at a clearing and she elbowed him in the stomach and kicked him in the side of the head when he lowered his Kunai.

"How could you play with me like that?" Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke. Suzume ran her fingers through her hair and sighed heavily. A large pressure hit the back of her head and she fell forward unconscious.


Suzume's eyelids felt like lead but she forced herself to open them anyway. She felt a warm touch on her sides and dark eyes staring down at her.

"Suzume, are you all right?" Sasuke sat above her with an almost worried expression on his face.

"Fine I guess, he got behind me, I didn't hear him."

"Don't worry, drink this," she pushed the water away from her lips.

"I'm fine, Sasuke, truly," she stood up. Suzume watched as Sasuke put the water back in his bag. She couldn't help but smile, she liked it when it was just her and Sasuke. She was one of the few people who actually knew Sasuke, before everything went to crap. He felt he could be him around her, and not the person he pretended to be. She couldn't help but smile, she liked that. A loud ringing pierced the air, they were all out of time. Suzume huffed angrily and Sasuke looked away from her. "Let's go."

"Hungry huh?" Suzume, Sakura and Sasuke all sat by the stumps, Naruto was tied to the one in the middle. "To bad about this exercise, well I've decided I won't send anyone back to the academy," Naruto and Sakura cheered loudly. "Yes, all four of you, are getting dropped from the program, permanently!"

"But you said if we couldn't take the bells then we could go back to the academy and try again next year. You can't just go and change the rules like that, why would you do that?!" Suzume yelled angrily. <p>

"Because you don't think like Ninjas, you think like little kids, brats," she ran at him angrily and he grabbed her pushing his knee into the small of her back. "You think it's all about you. Why do you think we put you on squads? Did you ever think of that?"

"Teamwork, of course. But if you haven't noticed we don't have the best relationships in the world here."

"But if all four of you had come at me, you probably would have been able to take them. I wanted to see if you could put the squad ahead of yourself. Sakura you obsessed over Sasuke who was gone while Naruto needed your help and was right in front of you. Naruto, you were willing to let your teammates suffer and eat the lunches all by yourself. Sasuke you think you're so much better then everyone else. The only human compassion for teammates I saw was when Sasuke stopped to help Suzume," Sakura sent a death glare her way. "That is exactly what I mean, you hear that Sasuke helped a team member and you get angry. You think like a hormonally charged girl. Sakura kill Sasuke now or Suzume dies!" He pressed the cool metal into her skin again, drawing blood. "That's what happens on a mission. The enemy takes a hostage and you have an impossible choice. And someone ends up dead. In every mission your life is on the line," he let her go and stood up and walked over to a rock. "Have you taken a look at this stone? The names in graved on it? They're all ninjas who are honored in this village."

"I'm gonna get my name engraved on that stone!"

"No you don't," Suzume said sadly. That was the KIA stone, her father was on that stone.

"Why not?"

"Everyone on that stone was killed in battle," the mood changed considerably.

"Okay, I'll give you one more chance. But I'm gonna make it harder on you. You'll have three hours to get a bell, eat lunch now to build up strength. But Naruto doesn't get any, that's what you get for trying to eat lunch on your own. And anyone who tries to feed him will immediately fail. I make the rules, you follow them, got it?" Suzume pushed the food around her box as Naruto's stomach growled.

----'Why do people put food in boxes anyway?'-----

"Don't worry I can go for days for weeks without eating believe it," she scoffed and pushed her lunch towards him.

"You can't do that, Suzume."

"Shut it, Pink," she looked at Suzume. "Since when do you care, you don't even like me. If Naruto's hungry he wont be able to help us capture the bells, I'm not hungry anyway. So just take it."

"I can't my hands are tied, you're gonna have to feed me!" Suzume rolled her eyes but took out the egg roll and fed it to him. He smiled at her and she smiled slightly and laughed. Wind picked up considerably and Kakashi jumped out at Suzume, tackling her to the ground.

"You! You broke the rules! I hope you're ready for your punishment!" He grabbed onto her throat and squeezed. He growled loudly as Sasuke reached for his weapons. "You pass," Suzume stared up at Kakashi, who was smiling down at her. "You're the first squad who ever succeeded. All the others did what I said and they were wasted by the end of the first hour. A ninja must see through deception, in the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum. That's true, but people who desert their friends, are worse then scum," Suzume reached up and touched his forearm and he let go of her throat and pulled her up. "Everyone passes, Squad Seven starts their first mission tomorrow," he gave them all a thumbs up. "Let's go home," they all nodded and walked off.

"I knew they'd do this, you forgot to untie me!!!!"
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