Status: Let's try this out yo

I Swear, I'm Not Stalking You.

Foo Fights or Led Zeppelin?

Monday arrived all too soon for Alex. He spent the weekend doing absolutely nothing, and all he wanted to do was more of it. He spent majority of his Sunday in his bed, laptop laid out in front of him whilst he browsed his dash board of Tumblr. He reblogged several pictures of bands and tattoos, and he really only got out of his room for food.

So in all, it was a good day.

Then come Monday, and here we are. Alex was currently getting ready for the school day ahead, and while he didn’t particularly want to go to school; his mother claimed that he was not in fact sick and he had a heart beat. So in her books, he was fine to go to school.
He pulled out a red flannelette button up and pulled it over his plain white shirt. Now with his attire fine for school, his socked feet padded over to his bed where he pulled out an old worn pair of converse. They were the tradition black and white high tops, though they were a little scuffed and torn. But they still looked fine. That’s one thing Alex loved about converse, the older they got, the
better they looked.

He pulled the laces around the back of his ankle, creating a loop of lace around his ankle and then tied them up at the front. It was an odd way to tie them up, but he did it anyway. The boy stood up, picked up his bag that was packed the previous night, put his phone in his pocket along with his ear phones, and made his way into the kitchen.

There he found his mother eating some too burnt toast with jam. Alex made his way to the fruit bowl and picked out a decent looking apple.

“Well, I’m off. Have a good day at work.” Alex said, giving his mum a kiss on the cheek before leaving through the door. His mum left about half an hour after he did, so he always counted on her to wake him up of a morning. Unlike most teenagers, his mother was his alarm clock. Needless to say, he
never over slept.

Alex turned out onto the street and started his small and uneventful journey to school, slowly eating his apple.


His first period was English, which meant that Rian was in his class. He made friends with boy after they had a discussion about their favourite bands, then got into a heated discussion about who was better, Blink 182 or Green Day. They never came to an agreement, but they both appreciated the other’s music taste. Alex had disposed of the apple core in the bin once he was inside the class room. By now everyone was used to him, so he didn’t really get any more questions about his past or why he moved here or why he had such big eye brows. But either way, he was glad to be at least fitting in. He hadn't seen a single kid get bullied, which was great, because he didn’t really want a fist to the face for not liking the ‘right’ gender. Yes, little ol’ Alex her was gay and proud. But, he hadn’t really told anyone yet. The topic hadn’t really arisen.

But that aside, Alex found Rian sitting in his usual spot. A sit in the middle; a little to the right. Alex shuffled over and sat next to the boy with the shaved head and maroon shirt. He seemed to be texting someone, but before Alex could say ‘hey’, Rian shot him a questioning glance.

“Foo Fighters or Led Zeppelin?” He said, giving Alex a look of 'you better answer soon or I’m never talking to you again'.

It took Alex a moment to think, but he was sure of his answer.

“Although I like Led Zeppelin a lot, I’m gunna have to say Foo Fighters.”

Rian smiled approvingly. “Good choice, Gaskarth. Good choice.” And then Rian returned his gaze to the phone in front of him.

Alex couldn’t help but chuckle and shake his head as he took off his bag. He pulled out his book and a pen and set them in front of him before pulling out a phone of his own. There was about five minutes before class, so he figured to quickly waste that time listening to music. Pulling in the ear phones, then snaked them up his shirt so the cord was concealed. He only put in one ear phone in case someone decided to talk to him. He went through hundreds of song on the phone, before deciding on Stockholm Syndrome by Blink.


Soon enough the class started and the teacher, Miss Mahon - he wasn’t sure if that was her name, started to talk about how they were going to read a book called Animal Farm. She stated that it was a great classic and that everything about it represented Communism and Soviet Russia. Why someone would write a book about farm animals and make them represent Communism leaders, Alex had no idea. He kind of drowned out her voice by around the middle of the lesson, but nearing towards the end, his attention was caught with her saying that when they finish the book they would have to write a speech about it and present it to the class. Oh joy.
There was a harmony of groans and moans, but Alex simply ignored them and wrote down in his book that there was an assignment. Just as he finished the sentence, the bell rang and the class was dismissed. He said his goodbyes to Rian and they went their different ways, as Rian had Math and Alex had Geography.


Lunch time didn’t come fast enough. The teacher didn’t even give them work, she just rambled about how her son chose to do architecture as a job, but didn’t pick math as a subject, so he couldn’t do it. She honestly spent a whole hours just on that one story. Alex didn’t know how she did it, he was honestly amazed.

Lunch basically consisted of Alex, Jack, Rian and a few other of their friends. Yet again, they were all eating packed lunches; since none of them had enough money put together to get a chocolate milk.

Ah, the life of being a high school student without a job.

Someone had brought up the conversation of same sex marriage, and Alex couldn’t help but chuckle to himself because of the thought he had earlier. He was wondering if should tell them that he was gay or not. They all seemed to be accepting people, so why shouldn’t they accept him?

“Alex? Yo, man?” Austin’s voice pulled him away from his thoughts, just in time to see everyone staring at him and waiting for what seemed to be an answer. Boy, this kid wasn’t good at paying

“Could you repeat that?” Alex earned a few laughs at that, including a smile from himself.

“I asked what your views were on same sex marriage?”

“Oh. Well, I kinda hope they pass it, ‘cause I would like to get married one day.” He stated, hoping that they’d catch on. He got a few confused looks, before, was it Jenny?

Jenna. Her name was Jenna. Before Jenna had a look of understanding.

“Oooooooh.” She breathed out with a smile. Alex simply nodded, taking a bite from his sandwich.

Although, Jenna seemed to be the only one that understood his statement; because he was still getting confused looks. He swallowed quickly, and put a hand in front of his mouth in case there was still anything in there before saying something.

“I’m gay.” He chuckled.

The confused looks, then turned into ones of understanding then. They all chuckled and said sorrys for not understanding, but Alex waved them off.

“Wait, just one question. You guys are all good with me being gay and all, right?” Alex asked, slightly worried.

It was Alan who answered for him, “Dude. We don’t really care. I especially don’t, considering I’m Bi.”
He laughed, and everyone seemed to nod in agreement.

Alex smiled; glad to be accepted in the group. But Jack then piped up, a slightly worried look on his face.

“We may not care about your sexuality and all that, but just be careful for Jeremy. He’s a little less understanding then we are.” Jack then continued to eat his sandwich.

Jeremy? Jeremy who? And why did Alex have to look out for him? He understood that not everyone excepted gays and all that, but what would this kid do to Alex because he was gay? And should he be scared of this kid?

“I understand that, but why should I be scared?” He asked no one in particular.

Vic piped up, “A kid had to move schools ‘cause Jeremy bullied him that much. We all tried to defend the kid, even Mike here got a few punches to Jeremy. But the kid still moved.” Mike nodded with his brother, and Alex was pretty sure he understood then.

But was he scared of this Jeremy kid?

Well, maybe. But he’s hoping that it won’t get to bad.
♠ ♠ ♠



oh and this was a better chapter so yay for that