Stella's Sick Little Games


Dark clouds filled the sky, my favorite kind of weather. That party was a week ago, haven’t seen Alex since. I never saw him in school before so I don’t know why I thought I’d suddenly start running into him. No, I can’t. I don’t wanna see him. So why can’t I get him out of my head? This sucks.
Leave school early to go for a walk outside? Sounds good to me. I snuck out before my last class and went home. All I have to say is my teacher screwed up and I really was there. Mother wouldn’t know any different, not that she’s ever home.
The autumn air had that smell that would just calm me down no matter what. Kids are all at school, no one’s gonna be at the park. It’s a perfect spot to just sit and clear my head. Maybe I could stop thinking about you know who.
“Well, well, well. Cutting class, I see?” Why? I turned around, suddenly face to face with Alex.
“What are you doing here?”
“I come down here sometimes… It’s a great place to just clear your mind, ya know?” I know.
“So… why aren’t you in school?” He shrugged, sitting on a swing. I sat down next to him. There’s something on his mind and as much as I try to tell myself I don’t wanna know what it is, I do.
“School’s not really my thing. I don’t know, I’ve just lost all motivation to go.”
“Tell me about it.” I looked down. I can’t do this to myself. I can’t stay here and pretend that everything is going to work out like a fairy tale. It’s not. I know it’s not. “I gotta go… I have to get home.”
“You’re cutting class. You walked here so I’m assuming your car’s at home… you don’t have to be anywhere. Where are you going?” Crap, why did he have to say anything? Why couldn’t he just let me go?
“Anywhere but here.” My voice turned cold. That hit him hard, the look on his face broke my heart. But it was the only way. He didn’t try to stop me again so I walked on home.
What did I just do? He was just trying to talk to me. He just needed a friend and that’s all I need. And I just fucked everything up. I’m such a fuck up, I can’t do anything right. I looked down at the scars on my arm… always room for more.