Stella's Sick Little Games


I looked around, everyone’s in their little group of friends. Who do I have? No one, go figure. Maybe this isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
“Have a drink, sourpuss.” I was offered a drink by the biggest alcoholic this school’s ever known. He’d come to school wasted at least twice a week, how he hasn’t gotten held back is beyond me. He took my hand, placing the cup full of cheap beer in it.
“Alex, I don’t wa-” He cut me off.
“Just drink it. You’ll loosen up and maybe have a little fun.” I looked down at the cup then back at him. He was still sane, still sober. I took a sip, something about him made me feel okay. It’s like I didn’t have to second guess his judgement.
“This is gross…” He laughed.
“Here.” He switched our drinks. His was much better and didn’t taste so cheap.
“You didn’t have to switch them… This is much better.” He smirked.
“I know. I’ll see you around. I’m gonna go say hi to some other people. Loosen up a bit and find people to talk to.” I watched him walk off into a big group of people.
Why can’t I just do that? Why can’t I just walk up to a bunch of people and just join in with them? I know what could help. I walked over to the basement stairs. All the drinking games took place down here.
“Birthday girl! Come on, you’re next!” Jack was standing at the bottom of the stairs, pouring a beer into a funnel. Why not? I walked over and kneeled down when it was free.
“Kate! Come be my partner!” I looked over at the huge beer pong table. Sydney was calling me over, which is weird since I haven’t talked to her in years. Whatever, I’m letting go. I’m having fun. I walk over without questioning it and join in on the game.
“Crap, you’re good. You should come to these parties way more often…” She looked at me after I landed three in a row. I smiled.
“I’ll definitely start coming more often.” I looked down at the ball in the cup in front of me. Time to drink up.
I staggered away from the table after three rounds.
“Come play spin the bottle.” Great. Everyone’s already drunk. I knew the rules. Seven minutes of making out or seven shots. No one ever did the seven shots because, let’s face it, no one wanted the probable alcohol poisoning that came along with that. I sat in the circle anyway.
“Since you’re the birthday girl, you’re spinning first.” I looked at Jack, feeling my cheeks turn red. I grabbed the bottle and spun.
Alex. Of course it’s Alex. I got up, stumbling first. I followed him into the next room. He’s cute, I can do this. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I felt his hands on my waist.
“Stella, I’m not doing this. You’re trashed. You’re not the girl that would normally do this and I’m not gonna be that guy who takes advantage of you.” What? Are you kidding me?
“I wanna make out! Come on Alex.”
“Stella, stop. You’re gonna regret this in the morning.”
“No I wont!” Great, I always get over emotional when I drink. I tried fighting back the tears.
“You’re being reckless. I’m not letting you do this.” I pulled away from him quickly.
“You’re not my dad!!” His face sunk, looking down at the scars on my wrist.
“Stella, you’re worth more than this. You’re not one of those girls that just gets wasted and makes out with any random guy. You’re worth more than all of this.”
“Coming from the biggest alcoholic I’ve ever seen!” I struck a nerve. I could see it in his face.
“Stella….” Everything was getting dark. Crap, I’m gonna pass out.