Stella's Sick Little Games


Alarm clock buzzing. Great. Mom’s gonna kill me. I throw my arm around to hit snooze, my head is throbbing. But there was no clock, or dresser. I opened my eyes and shot up, too fast. Who’s bed am I in? What happened last night? Why am I in someone else’s house? The door creaked, crap. What if I got raped last night? I don’t remember anything. But then I saw a familiar face, Alex.
“Good morning, drunky pants.” He handed me a cup of tomato juice and I watched him shut off the alarm clock and throw on a shirt.
“Did we…” I looked down at the clothes on the floor.
“I wouldn’t do that.” I was taken back, I mean, I know we didn’t really know each other, but still… He must’ve seen my face cause he started laughing. “I didn’t mean that. I meant I wouldn’t take advantage of you like that. You drank way too much. I took you back here after you passed out. You puked all over your clothes and I wasn’t gonna let you sleep like that, especially in my bed. You were a little conscious so I helped you change. I figured you’d be comfortable in my pajamas. You were really out of it last night. I’m usually the one that’s being taken care of.” He laughed and looked down. Wow, he really took care of me last night. We just met last night. That’s probably the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me.
“Thanks… for last night. I don’t even remember anything past that game of spin the bottle….”
“You passed out after yelling at me. I brought you right back here and you were in and out of consciousness all night puking…” Great first impression, Stella, way to freakin’ go.
“I’m really sorry about that… Why’d you help me anyway? I barely know you.”
“You’re not like those other girls. I don’t know, I just feel like you would’ve helped me if the situation was switched around. No one else there would’ve helped you either. You needed help. You needed someone there for you.” I bit my lip, he’s looking down at my wrist again. He helped me change… he’s seen all the other scars. He knows. I barely know him and he knows my biggest secret.
“You have so much potential… you’re throwing it all away.” My heart sank. For the first time, someone actually knows what they’re talking about when they tell me this. Why does he care so much, though?