Too Close for Comfort


A month went by with nothing but hopeful dreams and anxiously waiting for calls that never came. Maybe he just lost my number or he’s been busy with school? Either way, his birthday is today and we’re going over his house for a party with mainly family friends, which means i’ll be one of the only people his age. Hopefully tonight is a repeat of last time and more. I bit my lip as I put on the finishing touches to my eyes. Makeup nice, hair straight, and a crop top with jeans; I figured he’d like that. My dad honked and I ran out the door. My heart raced the whole way there. It was the longest five minutes of my life. I walked into the kitchen behind my dad, said hello to everyone there and walked to the back porch.
"Hey Dougie." He turned around with a beer in his hand.
"Hey Luc, you want one?" One wouldn’t hurt. All it would do is loosen me up, which I needed around him.
"Yeah, give me a Bud Light." I watched him open it for me and I sat at the table, watching the younger kids try to get a game of soccer going.
"Dougie! Lucy! come play!" I looked over at him, we put our drinks down and went onto the yard.
We ended up on separate teams because they all thought it was fair; I wasn’t complaining, this meant we could cover each other. It started off slow and boring, but once someone passed me the ball, he was all over it.
"Dougie!" I yelled, laughing as he picked me up to kick the ball away from me. "You ass, that’s cheating!" He put me down, laughing.
"No rules, everything’s fair." He ran off towards the ball.
I don’t know what came over me when I was around him, I couldn’t think straight, I couldn’t pay attention to anything else, and all I could think of are ‘what ifs’. What if he kissed me last time? What if he wanted to kiss me tonight? What if he doesn’t want me like that and I’m just thinking he does because I want to believe it?
He was running towards me with the ball so I tripped him. As he was falling, he grabbed my arm causing me to fall right on top of him. My heart was racing and I couldn’t tell if my hands were sweating because I was running around or because I was nervous. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me. He was laughing.
"What the hell was that for?"
"No rules, everything’s fair." I winked and got up, grabbing his hand to help him up.
The night is only beginning, if he’s gonna try something, it’s going to be later, when we’re alone.