Pink Daisies and Purple Unicorns

Thank God Joey has a Cell Phone

"No. I think they are in another cell with Stella, Ramona, and Frankito."

"Shit. Adie, this place is run by deranged teenies. I think we're at the American Teenie Awards!"

"Oh, no, Billie, don't let them get near you. They'll—oh shit, someone's coming. Gotta go! Bye!"
The line was cut off. Billie Joe felt like having a panic attack, now fully realizing that all of these teenies were madly in love with him and would not stop at kissing him. His mini panic attack was cut short by the polyphonic version of "Beat on the Brat" by the Ramones blasting out of his pocket. He grabbed his cell phone.


"Dad?" It was Joey. Now Billie Joe was glad that he got his son a cell phone.

"Joey! Are you and your brother all right? Where are you?" asked Billie frantically.

"I'm in a cell with Jakob and Stella and Ramona and Frankito that looks a lot like Limited Too."

"Are there unicorns and daisies on the wall?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Joey, we're at the American Teenie Awards. I just talked to your mother, and she is all right."

"Good, that was my next question. Ya wanna talk to Jakob?"

"Yes, please Joey."


"Hello Jakob. Are you okay?"

"I'm surrounded by pink fluff and I'm scared!"

"Shhh, it's okay Jakob. I just talked to Mom and she is all right. She is in a cell with Sarah and Claudia, and I am in a cell with Mike and Tre."

"Well, I'm in a room with—"