Pink Daisies and Purple Unicorns

Billie Joe gets Violated

"Oh, good, we're close then. I'll fill you in on everything when we arrive."

"Okay. Bye Mike."

"Bye Adrienne."

"Cell number 305, Tre." Said Mike.

"Got it. Let's go!"
So they powerwalked to cell number 305.

"Hey, gals. How are things?" asked Tre.

"Fine," Adie said, "Except that we have been locked in here for a pretty long time, worrying about you guys, but other than that we are okay."

"Good." Said Mike, opening the cell door.

"Sarah! Hey, sexy."
(kiss, kiss)

"Enough, you two. Get a room!" shouted Tre.
Mike shot him a dirty look and then said to Adrienne,

"I'm going to give you the keys, you three should go and find the kids. We are going to try to save Billie Joe before—never mind, that is a nasty thought."

"Okay, seeya later."
Mike kissed his lady one last time and then followed Tre towards the stage.

Many violations later, Billie Joe sat in the closet, waiting for the next obsessed teenie. He heard the announcer-who sounded somewhat familiar-announce the winner for the last award: Most Devoted Teenie. The winner was Ashley something,(no offense to anyone here named Ashley)and now Billie just had to wait and got through 1 more violation. The click-clacking of stilettos got closer and closer as the last teenie came to collect her prize. The click-clacking stopped right outside the closet door, and instead of a key turning, Billie Joe heard a loud thud as a teenie's head hit the wall and the teenie slid to the floor. The next thing he knew, Billie Joe was being untied by Natalie, the girl in the dressing room.

"Shi—Natalie? I thought you were—I heard breaking glass—what?"