Pink Daisies and Purple Unicorns

La Resistance Lives On

Tre got strange looks from everyone, and it was quiet until Natalie suddenly said

"We have to leave! Let's go find the ladies and the kids."

"Wait, before I go anywhere with you, I need to know your background," said Mike cautiously.

Billie-I mean Brittany-cut in and said

"No, no, you guys, she's cool. This is Natalie, and she is helping all of us escape. She is undercover as a teenie, but I am wearing her Converse, so she is NOT a teenie. And Tre, you little horny perv, she is only 13. Still a minor." Explained Brittany.

"Why do you think I would go after a 13-year—never mind, you aren't wrong." Muttered Tre.

"On that note, Natalie, keep a few feet away from him for now," warned Mike.

"Okay, I will keep that in mind. Now, where are Adrienne, Claudia, Sarah, and the kids?" asked Natalie.

"Oh, I gave Adie the master cell keys, and her and the girls went to go get the kids out," explained Mike.

"Gotcha. Okay, let's go get them and then get the hell outta here," said Natalie.
So they rushed down the hall and bumped into Adie and the gang.

"Hello," everyone said simultaneously.

Without a single pause, everyone followed Natalie, who was telling them that there was a car waiting outside that would get them away from the hellhole that was the ATA's. Then she said to the watch on her wrist,

"Start the engine and open the doors, Mars. We are almost there."
Right then, two teenies rounded the corner.

"HeY! HoW DiD YoU GeT OuT? NaTaLiE, WhY ArEn'T YoU StOpPiNg ThEm?"

So Tre scoped up Frankito in his arms and grabbed Ramona's had while Billie—I mean Brittany-grabbed Jakob and Joey and Mike snatched up Stella. Natalie led them through the pink and purple doors out to the getaway car, which was a big, rusty old VW bus with chocolate chip cookies painted all over it. The driver had brown wavy shoulder length hair, streaked with pink.