Pink Daisies and Purple Unicorns

The Cookie Monster Saves The Day

"Hi Marlee, step on it will ya?"

"Oh, hello to you too. But this thing only runs on veggie oil, so I dunno about its top speed."

"Well, the teenie car right behind us runs on bad perfume, so all the radiation from the perfume should supercharge the engine," Natalie pointed out.

"Whatever. They don't have a license and neither do I, so the race will be pretty much even." Then she swerved onto the freeway, with the teenie car in close pursuit.

"Keep changing lanes and try to lose them," Natalie shouted over the loud engine.

"Change lanes? She doesn't have a license, the probability of a crash is just higher," shouted Mike, "Just let someone else drive!"

"No can do. No one but me understands the Cookie Monster. Anyone else ever drive a bus that uses veggie oil instead of gas?"

"No," chorused the whole bus.

"That's what I thought," said Marlee smugly.

The teenie car, which was a bright pink convertible, was catching up. Suddenly, Natalie had an idea.

"Quick, head towards downtown Oakland. Teenies don't dare step a stiletto-clad foot there."

"Okay, hold on to your pants... and, erm, dresses!"

So Marlee took the last exit to downtown Oakland and did a wild u-turn towards the heart of the city. Billie-I mean Brittany(damn, I keep doing that!)-looked out the window just in time to see the teenie car miss the exit, not even seeing the van.

"The teenie car just missed the exit. We've almost got a head start until they realize we've lost them. I don't think they even know I'm missing, they've only seen me in drag."

"Well, Billie Joe, as much as it pains me to say this, you don't look like a girl. It's just that stubble on your chin, try some concealer," said Natalie, tossing him a small tube of pale makeup.