Esperanza's Journey

Esperanza's Journey

In 1989 Lord Martinez of Spain and member of the CIA was entrusted with pass codes that enabled you to get into top secret files of the CIA. These codes were all programed on to a small microchip. In order to keep this information safe he hid the chip somewhere with his daughter Esperanza Martinez who at the time was only an infant. The exact location of this microchip was unknown including to Esperanza. Somehow the general location of the chip had leaked out to the evil and corrupt French Intelligence. Death Storm, an enemy of the royal court and America, was assigned to find this chip.
One night the house where Lord Martinez lived with his whole family was invaded by Death Storm who attempted to find the chip. He had tried to kidnap the child but he was caught and captured. In his capture he suffered head trauma and fell. When he woke up all he could remember was his mission to capture the girl and get the chip. In order to keep the child and the chip safe Esperanza Martinez was sent to America and was adopted by a woman named Kira Williams who knew nothing of the child’s heritage, enemies, or events that had just occurred a few nights before.
Kira was overjoyed to have a new child in her home, she felt her life was going somewhere. She now had something to occupy her time with and was finally able to leave her troubled past behind her. She felt she could take on the whole world if she wanted to with her new found energy. The child meant nearly everything to her. The little girl, Esperanza, was so little that she had no idea that she was adopted. All that Esperanza knew was that she didn’t have a father because he was killed in the war, when he wasn’t truly dead. He only left her one thing to remember him by and she cherished it with all her heart.
As Esperanza was growing up she eventually forgot about the one thing her father left her, a tiny trinket. A necklace that was pure gold, a locket with her name on it, a heart, and an inscription in Spanish that said “My heart is always with you my beloved daughter.” Esperanza is 16 years old now and is going to school like any normal teen with a boyfriend named Nathan Johnson and a best friend named Serena Lopez. She gets called to the office during her history class. She was upset because it was her favorite class. It was her mother picking her up but she doesn’t realize why. She doesn’t have an appointment to anything but still has to go home. Esperanza was utterly confused.
During the whole car ride Kira, Esperanza’s adopted mother was quiet, but this was normal. Still the silence worried Esperanza because of the face her mother was making. When they got to the house and there was a car that Esperanza had never seen in her life. Kira shut the car off and didn’t get out of the car. Esperanza asked what was bothering her so much that she was shaking all over.
Kira was shaking so violently that she burst into tears. “I’m not your real mother. I adopted you when you were just an infant and now your birth mother has come for you. She won’t tell me why but needs to talk to you.” Kira went to lean in for a hug but Esperanza ran out the door and into the house completely ignoring the stranger in her living room and into her room. She called up her boyfriend because she knew that he would know what to say. Nathan was at lunch so he didn’t answer. The lunch room was always to loud to hear anything.
Kira went into the house after she stopped crying and talked to Carmen Martinez. Carmen was frantic to talk to her daughter and wouldn’t speak to Kira until she talks to Esperanza.  As Esperanza realized what was going on she walked slowly out into the living room and sat away from Kira and her supposed mother. She sat there waiting to hear what was going on and why she was only being told now that she was adopted. Carmen wanted to hug her daughter but knew better to do so and so did Kira. Esperanza listened to what Carman was saying “You have to save your father from the prison in France. People want a microchip that has pass codes to top secret files in the CIA. People are searching for it and they are starting to wonder what happened to his daughter, you, and are wondering if you have it. You need to give them the chip and save your father.”
As this information was registered in Esperanza’s mind she freaked out because she didn’t know that her father was alive, she was adopted, and she is the only one that can save her father. She knew that she could save him because she has been in martial arts, gymnastics, cheerleading, and many other martial arts and fighting clubs. Esperanza just sat staring at the people who she now felt like were strangers, Carmen was a stranger, but now she felt like her mother Kira was a stranger as well. Carmen has been talking while many things have going through her mind and finally Carmen brings out a ticket to France and hands it to Esperanza. She is shocked that she had to finish this task of saving her father in ten days. She doesn’t have the chip that she is being told so much about. Carmen had asked if she had the locket that her father left her and told her if she did to bring it with her. She has to hide because it was very important that people don’t know that she is Pablo Martinez’s daughter but some will need proof that she is.
Esperanza said she would do this task but she needs time to pack and think things through. They said goodbye to Carmen without much of a word and Esperanza ignored Kira and went to her room to get ready to leave on the trip. It took Esperanza 30 minutes to get her luggage ready and find her necklace that she has had sense she was a little girl. She hugged her adopted mother and went out the door with keys, luggage, and cell phone in hand. She got to the airport and called the her school to tell them that she was not going to be in for two weeks because she has a family emergency. After that call she called her boyfriend and best friend who didn’t answer, which never happens especially when it’s after school. She left both of them messages to call her or text her when they could but she may not answer because she is leaving the country on some family business. She wouldn’t get them involved because they could be in danger if she told them over her phone.
As Esperanza gets on the plane to France a gentleman named Josh helped her get settled in but little did she know that he will be the reason that they don’t make it to France but somewhere in the middle of no where on an island where they may not return.
Esperanza awaits the lift to France but there is mechanical issues. When they are safely in the air the captain turns off the seat belt sign and Esperanza goes to the bathroom. While in the bathroom she hears the captain telling them to stay in their seats because they are experiencing extreme turbulence and the oxygen masks will drop but not to become frantic. There is no reason to start worrying. As Esperanza finishes cleaning up in the laboratory she hears a knock and she yells that someone is in there but they do not listen. When she opens the door Josh is there and shoves her back in the cabin.
Meanwhile Death storm hears that Lord Martinez’s daughter who had been in hiding is finally coming home to save her father. Death Storm had been expecting this to happen and all he had to do was get Josh, his apprentice, to bring the girl to him so he can question her.  Back in the cabin Josh ties Esperanza up and gets the flight attendant to lock the door from the outside because “the door won’t lock on the inside.” Josh went into the captains quarters and shot both of the pilots and made the flight crash. They were close to an island but only Josh knew it was there. He ran to the laboratory to untie Esperanza and drag her to the island where a helicopter will be waiting for her with Death Storm. Esperanza barely made it to the island. She didn’t know how to swim because she never had to and didn’t have the time with school work and all the sports that she did. All she could do was find a life jacket and let Josh pull her but she knew that if she screamed that he could hurt her or even worse kill her. As Josh was pulling Esperanza to safety people started following them even when Josh screamed at them to not follow. He shot 4 people so they would get the idea that they shouldn’t follow.
Meanwhile back in California, Kira called Serena and Nathan to tell them what was truly going on. When she told them that Esperanza was heading to France to save her father and that she was adopted they started crying. They were worried what would happen. They knew that if she went through with this she would never be the same again. Nathan and Serena met up later that day with Kira with airline tickets for all three of them and their luggage to go after Esperanza. Kira at first was hesitant but realized that what they were thinking were true and if she did get hurt then she could never forgive herself for never telling Esperanza the truth.
In the airport they met a stranger by the name of Kyle who helped them get through security and on the plain on time.  When they landed in France he took them to a car he said was waiting for him and he would gladly take them anywhere but instead he captured them, knocked out with chloroform , and took them to Death Storm.
In the meantime Esperanza and Josh made it to the island but weirdly Josh didn’t call for the Helicopter right away. He made a shelter for the two of them and gathered food. He tied Esperanza to a tree. Josh has become fond of Esperanza but knows he has to finish the job or he will be killed and his family. She treated Esperanza with as much care as possible but after being with her for eight hours he wanted to kiss her. He did and Esperanza smacked him yelling that she has a boyfriend and that Josh was to never touch her inappropriately ever again.  He respected her choice and left her alone and called Death Storm. All Esperanza heard of the conversation was “We are here ready for the helicopter” then there was silence.
What felt like hours but was only a half hour the helicopter came to the island. As they took off they could see the wreckage but everything looked abandoned. It was only a few hours had passed when they arrived to France. Esperanza was blindfolded before the helicopter was near its destination. They got to the destination and Esperanza was moved to a room somewhere big and empty. She knew that the room was empty because she could hear the echoing of the footsteps she was making. She at first only heard her footsteps and two others, most likely guys. Then Esperanza was put in a chair and the blind fold was taken off.
Esperanza thought at first that she was alone when the door shut somewhere behind her but then she saw a figure. A man, in the corner of the room that was very dark but there was a sky light high in the ceiling for a little light to shine through. As she was getting adjusted to the dim lighting of the room she drew closer to the cramped up person in the corner. She was right it was a man and weirdly he looked familiar but could not put a finger on it.
Just as Esperanza was about to start talking to the man she was pulled away from him and into another room with a one way glass, a bright light, two chairs, and a table. It looked like an interrogation room that you would see on the television set in cop shows. She didn’t even see who took her out of the room and into the other but she knew that it was important that she said as-little-as-possible until she figures out a way to get out of the prison she was incased in.  
Death Storm walks through the door and doesn’t say a word until he sits down. Death Storm tries the compassionate way to get information out of Esperanza but she doesn’t say a word. Death storm kept insisting that Esperanza speak and when she did he did not like what came out of her mouth. Esperanza yelled that she wasn’t going to tell him anything because she didn’t know what he was talking about. As Death Storm was yelling asking the same questions. He told his men to bring her back to the cell she was in but she barely realized it because she was to focused on finding her father and getting out alive and as little injury as possible.
When Esperanza was put back in the cell she went straight to the guy in the corner. It was her father. He told her that she had to get them out and not tell them anything. Josh came back in the room and when he grabbed Esperanza she grabbed him instead and knocked him out with one punch to the face.She went for the gun on his side and then went to get her father to get out of that place. People heard the thump and started running towards the cell that Esperanza and her father were held in. She shot them all. Not enough to kill them but enough where they couldn’t run after them. As she was running out she saw her friends and Kira,her mother, with a guy who she has never seen before. They both stopped before they started running at each other trying to get Esperanza to tell them the information that they needed. At first Esperanza and Kyle were punching each other while the others just stared horrified. When Nathan and Lord Martinez finally realized what was happening they jumped into action with Esperanza. They ran towards him and pinned him to the floor. Esperanza shot him and killed him so he couldn’t hurt anyone else.
They hugged each other and ran to get away as far as possible. Lord Martinez stopped after running for a mile and a half. He had to tell Esperanza that they had to get to the CIA in Washington D.C. and give them her necklace so they could take the chip that everyone has been going after.She was shocked that she actually did have the microchip that everyone that she had, knew where or what it was. They went to the airport got on the plain. They went to D.C. and the microchip was finally safe and no one could get the chip because it was destroyed. They went home and at first Esperanza didn’t want anything to do with anyone including her father, both mothers, and friends. The two week that she was gone really did change her. Eventually after time she forgave everyone and went back to normal but the CIA now calls her in when they need someone to help that is just as great or better to get people out of hard situations but will only go if everyone was safe and couldn’t go after her.
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Will be a novel once I add more details and dialog. Just want feedback on what I have so far.