Sequel: Just Say Yes
Status: I wil try to post a new chapter every Sunday

I'm What?

Man Up

Man up
It’s been a couple of hours since Jon left Addison at Kaner’s. Both Kennedy and Kaner went with Addison to try to talk to Jon about the whole Dylan situation. When they reach to Jon’s side of the place, Addison tried to open the door with her key but both of the dead bolts were locked Kaner pound on the door.
“Jon open the door so we could talk.” Kaner said out loud enough for Jon to text Kaner. When Kaner got the text he rolled his eyes.”
“Are you shitting with me right now?! Open the fucking door Jon!”
“What did the text say?” Kennedy grabs his phone and began to read the text out loud.
“Only you and Kennedy can come in but not my lying, kiss giving I called her as a girlfriend. What an asshole!”
“I don’t want to talk to him when he’s being a child about this.” They went to her side of the place, she open the door and she was in shock of what happen to her place. All of her stuff that she had at Jon’s side was everywhere in her living room but not Juliet’s bed.
“So Jon took Juliet but decide to throw my stuff like its trash.”
“What are you going to do now?” Kennedy wanted to help her best friend because she never had been thrown this before.
“Well I guess that I will get him room for him to think and see him around the UC. Guys I’m tired as hell I’m heading to bed early.” Both Kaner and Kennedy gave her a hug and left. She sat on her couch and started to cry. She wanted to talk to Jon about what’s happening in her mind. She’s thinking of all bad idea of what Jon will do to her. Like going to break up with her and make Stan to fire her. Never get back in the NHL for the rest of her life. Telling her that he never loved her in the first place and only wanted to have a sex friend. She doesn’t want to lose Jon and her job. All she knew that she can’t tell anyone about this not even Stan or she will lose her job. Addison got up from her couch and landed on her cold stiff bed.

In the morning of the Colorado game. Stan is making Jon do a press conference about the whole fight at the bar situation done with. All the media of Chicago was in the press room getting all of the cameras ready to put Jon in the spotlight even more than normal. Addison was looking around the press and maybe going to get a quick look if Kennedy was coming in today. When she spotted Kennedy getting ready to get her macbook set up, Addison knew that she didn’t need to be here because she saw the whole thing. Addison didn’t want to be here anyway, she wants to be far away from Jon so he could have some space for him to think it through and what would happen to them after this. She thought that going to the sky box because after the press conference the team will skate for practice for tonight’s game. Walking up to the sky box she was on her phone texting Kennedy that she will be in the sky box so she won’t hear Jon’s press conference. Then Addison ran into Kaner.
“Are you going the wrong way?” Kaner pointed to the press room.
“No I don’t think that Jon wants me there because this is my entire fault that he’s suspend for 5 games and that I kiss Dylan back. I’m going to the sky box right now and get everything ready for Stan and me.”
“Then I will come with you then. Jon’s getting on my nerves too.” Kaner put his arm around Addison’s shoulder and they both walked to the sky box.

Jon was ready to get this press shit done with and then he can go back to working out. He only wore his workout clothes for the press conference. Before he went into the room, he did see Kennedy but no Addison. Sharp was behind Jon and was doing the same thing.
“Where’s Addison?”Jon turns around to ask Sharp.
“She and Kaner went up to the sky box.” Jon nodded his head and went to the stand there were a lot of lights flashing and people asking all at once. Stan was on the mic before Jon.
“Jon will start off first then you will ask questions at the end. Jon?” Stan walked away from the stand and Jon walked closer to the stand.
“I wanted to apologize for my actions I did that night at the bar. That wasn’t me when I did those actions in front of everyone. I am the face of this team and I need to show that I am not that kind of person. Now questions.”
“Jon did you start the fight or the victim did?”
“I didn’t start the fight it was the victim that did.”
“Did you know your victim at all before this happen?”
“I knew him but I never get to know the man.”Then Addison’s hand went up in the air.
“How is your friends, family and team mates helping with you during this situation?”
“Everyone is supporting me 100% and they know that this is will never happen again.” Kennedy face was showing that she’s upset from the way he’s treating Addison right now.
“The game suspends that was given to you was 10 games and now it was down to 5. How did that happen?”
“Stan offered me about how I can get it down 5 games and when I did what Stan asked me to do it was reduce down to 5.”
“Stan when are you going to do with Jon’s contract over the summer since this happen?” Stan walked over to the mic.
“We won’t talk about that until the summer is here.”
“Coach Q what are you going to do when Jon is out of the line up?” Coach Q was standing behind Jon.
“What we have been doing when one of our players gets hurt or something else. We are just going to move players around and see what fits in tonight’s line up against Colorado.”

As Addison and Kaner were waiting for the press conference to be over with, they were watching their last game against Colorado and to see what they can improve on. The last time these two teams played against each other was Jan 14 and lost in overtime. Kaner was now looking at Addison, Kaner always though Addison was like a sister to her like Sharpie but they are half blood.
“What are you thinking about?” Kaner place his drink down. Addison looked at Kaner trying to find words that would help him understood what’s going through her mind.
“I’m tired of all the bull shit drama that I put myself in. I love Jon to death but that I did something to help us. To make everything better and yet I know that Jon had to put this up with me a couple of months ago. I didn’t get drunk when I did this, I was going to tell Jon about this but I didn’t know that we were going to go to your place. Hockey right now puts the stress away and I can deal with the shit later. But …”
“You can’t put that behind because Jon is in your hockey and it can’t be put behind you.” Addison was in shock that Kaner knew what she was trying to say. She was now looking at her watch.
“I think that press conference is over and I think morning stake will start soon.” Kaner kiss her forehead and went down to get ready.
After a good win over the Sabers, Addison was invited to a Kaner family dinner but she decided to stay in her room. The following night she went over to the Seabrooks for dinner because Brent wouldn’t stop talking about Carter and she wanted to meet his wife and son.
“So what’s going on between you and Jon?” Brent handed Carter over to Addison.
“Well you can’t tell anyone about this only Kennedy and Kaner know about this because they were there in person.” She told then what happen that night.
“That’s not like Jon; just throw your stuff like that and acting like that.”
“Well Jon and Dylan never like each other when they met so that didn’t help either, now Jon won’t talk to me until we play against the Red Wings.”
“Do you want me to talk to him?” Brent volunteer.
“If you want to but no her won’t listen to Kaner. I thought that this will help us and his suspends. Now that U know how Jon felt when I yelled at him about the Lindsey crap a couple of months ago. Carter is the cutest boy I have ever seen! I could just eat you up!” They hear Carter laughing while Addison was tickling him.

When Addison went home Brent was cleaning dinner. Dayna just put Carter to bed and was helping Brent with the dishes.
“I think that you need to talk to Jon right now. Ever since Jon met Addison he had been the old Jon that we all fell in love with. He wasn’t the same when he was with Lindsey. I never like that girl in the first place.”
“What should I tell him?”
“You know when you talked to him. I will finish if you go now. Carter is in bed right now and he will sleep the whole night through from all the fun time he had with Addison.” When Brent got to Jon’s side of the place, he didn’t know what to say at first. When Jon opens the door, Jon was a little happy to see that it wasn’t Kaner or Kennedy at the door.
“Hey Brent, what are you doing here?”
“I wanted to talk to you about Addison.” Jon was about to shut the door at Brent’s face but Brent got himself inside of the place. Brent looked around the place and Jon is letting it go. Dishes are piling up in the sink, clothes everywhere and didn’t know where that strange smell was coming from. Jon hasn’t shower or left the place after the press conference.
“We just had dinner with Addison and she doesn’t look good at all. The night when we won against Buffalo she didn’t leave her room till Kaner made her get dress and go to the game. Even after the game with Kaner wanted her to come to dinner with him and the family she still wanted to be in her room. Addison is putting all the blame on her on this one. The stress will kill her if you don’t talk to her. Please she told us what she did and if Dayna did that to me. I will do the same thing that you’re doing right now but not take her dog away and throwing her stuff back her place like its shit. Go and see her, Addison wants to see her dog.
“Brent she kissed him back! I don’t know if she has feeling for Dylan or the both of us.”
“If she had feelings for the both of you guys she would have told you. Or if she had feeling for him that she would have left you and maybe the team. Go back to New York and work with another NHL team. Or that Portland GM job to. Since she hasn’t left for New York or Portland and she has feeling for you than Dylan.” Brent grabs his keys from his pocket and went for the door.
“It’s time to man up. See you later then.” Brent shut the door behind him. Jon knew what he had to do next but right now he need to clean up the place before he man up.