Status: New. Yay or Nay?



"Got a light?" A deep voice asked from behind me.

I turn my head to the side, seeing his dark figure out the corner of my eye. I don't say anything as I searched my jean pocket for my purple lighter. I find it and hand it out, he grabs it and I face the front. Lights flick on and off in my face and I squint. How fucking rude. I hate people who put their high beam on when they want to see who's there. I sigh and run a hand through my faded purple curls.

"Come here often?" He's trying to make small-talk with me.

I don't answer him and he chuckles but it's slightly muffled by his cigarette. I hear the flick of the lighter and I'm engulfed in a cloud of smoke that's not my own. We're silent as we hear the riff-raff of the streets. Men yelling profanities, trying to cause a fight to a screech of car tires on the bitumen.
I can feel him rather close behind me now. I'm pretty sure my personal space is being invaded, but I don't say anything.

"Hugh!" I jump at the sudden scream of a female.

"What?" He hisses like she interrupted him.

Footsteps retreat away from me and suddenly I'm alone again. I turn around to confirm that, staring at the pub doors as they slowly shut. It's one of those doors that when you open it and it takes ages to close because of some emergency stopper thing so it doesn't slam. I take one last puff on my smoke before I throw it to the ground and squish it.

I was hopeful that I didn't have to make conversation with that guy. I heard bad things about him. In fact I knew him from high school, Hugh Richdale. You hear his last name often because of his notorious brothers. The entire family was bad news. As far as I know about his parents, they're dead. But I don't know the correct story. It's all just rumours around here.

I start walking down the road, steering clear from the alleyways. The wind whipped against my flesh, such an icy breeze, making me shiver and wrap my arms around myself. My leather jacket kept my upper body warm but everything else was starting to become numb. I walk a bit faster to try and get home a bit quicker.

A sudden car toot made me turn my head at the black 2014 mustang. It's such a beautiful car. As the window rolled down, I bent my knees to see who was it and what they wanted. To my dismay, it was the guy I was trying to avoid.

He gave me a boyish grin, "Get in."

I sigh, straightening and looking around for anyone that I possibly know so I can decline his offer. Or should I say his demand? I inwardly groan and reach for the door handle, pulling it open. I slide into the custom leather seat and close the door. Heat surrounds me and I put my hands up to the vents.
I can feel his eyes on me but I ignore it. He mumbles something under his breath and puts his foot on the accelerator. Once I'm warm, I relax into the seat and run my hands on the leather and scan the interior of the car.

As reluctant as I was, I had to say something about this beauty of a vehicle, "You got a nice car."

"I got a lot of money," he shrugs, not seeming to care, "Glad you speak, by the way. I was starting to think you were mute."

I roll my eyes and look out the window, "I speak when I want to."

"Do you just?" He asks with a playful tone as he swerves into a driveway.

I don't say anything and neither does he. He drives in silence and I take my time to study him at the corner of my eye. He had pale skin, bushy black brows that look like his hair, a perfectly slender nose, a small mouth but nice lips for a male and the most defined cheekbones. He was extremely attractive and that made my cheeks heat up thinking that.

I clear the build up in my throat, adjusting my position in the seat. I look out the window, my blue eyes scanning the bushes and shrubs. I live outside of town, in fact most people do. There's the city and about twenty minutes away there's where everyone resides, plus the school that I used to attend.

"Did you know that we're actually neighbours?" He asks, pulling into the familiar driveway.

He turns of the ignition and silence fills the air. I nibble on the inside of my cheek and turn to face him.

"I know," I say and he's surprised, "Thanks for the lift."

He nods, slowly, "Yeah, sure. Anytime."

Hugh gives me a small lop-sided smile and for some reason he gets more attractive. I don't smile even though I want to because he did a nice thing for me. I just nod, my hand finding the handle and open the door. I hop out and shut it before he could say anything else to me. I shiver when the cold air hits me and I walk up the driveway to my house.

I turn to wave but he's already backing out and I watch as he drives across my lawn and parks on his. I sigh and search for my key in my pocket. I then realise he never gave me back my lighter and I frown at the thought. That means I'll have to talk to him again.

I put my key into the lock and it clicks open. I walk in and shut it behind me, heat and light surrounds me and I smile.
I live with my father and little sister. She can be a brat, but that's because she's a teenager and doesn't know any better. But I love her nevertheless. My father is a workaholic, but he's made himself to be like that so he can earn a living for us both and our home.
I'm not entirely rich, but we have nice furniture and equipment. I'm grateful and appreciative now. When I was younger, I hated when we got new expensive stuff. I always thought Dad was trying to bribe us.

"Celina!" I roll my eyes at her annoying high-pitched yell.

I walk into the lounge room and notice her watching Miami Ink, I throw myself on the plush couch beside her.

"How come you're late?" She asks.

I shrug, "I would've been later, but I got a lift from the guy next door."

She gasps, "Hugh Richdale?"

I raise a brow and face her, "Yeah?"

She giggles, "He's so hot."

"He's too old for you, Kelly." I laugh and that makes her pout.

"A girl can dream," she mumbles.

I stand up and start walking to my room. Before I close my door, I yell out, "I hope you're taping that episode, by the way!"

"Yes!" Kelly laughs. She's such a goof ball.
♠ ♠ ♠
God, my writing is so rusty. I haven't written for probably a year and a few months.
Terrible, isn't it?

I don't know where this is going but it's going to be a shorter story so I can get the hang of writing again. Let me know if you like it. :)