Sequel: Just Us
Status: Posted this on quotev originally, so I'm just copy and pasting updates.

Stand Up



*One Year Later*

It's been a year since I moved in with Andy, a lot has happened in that year though, for starters we got married. It wasn't a big fancy ceremony. It was comfortable. Andy didn't even wear a proper suit. But we didn't mind. It was us, and that's all that mattered.

The vows were short and simple, and to other people they probably seemed meaningless. But to us they were everything.

We honeymooned in Germany, don't ask why, it was kind of a spur of the moment thing. We were looking online and an ad popped up, so we ended up going there.

And I know you're wondering about kids, but not yet. We've talked about it a lot though. Andy's at the height of his career, and he wouldn't be able to be the best dad he could be when he's on tour all the time. But we'll definitely have them in the future.

I'm close with Caleb now. Three days after I first moved I. With Andy he called me saying that he and Avery left. They pooled their money together and were living in a small apartment in Culver City California. Since they were relatively close we saw a lot of each other. He and Avery are engaged now, and plan to get married after Avery finishes her two year community college thing to become a hair dresser.

Then there's Leah. She graduated from college and moved out to LA also. She's dating a guy named Isaiah and they're honestly perfect for each other. She and Ashley tried dating for a few months, but it didn't work out. They're still really close. She also started to be more comfortable in this scene of people, Ben became like her brother, he's always looking out for her.
She's still my best friend. She probably always will be. Leah's just one of those people who once you become friends with you stay friends with because she keeps you sane. For the most part anyway.

My sister hasn't cleaned up her act. She's going down the exact same path as our mom did. I've tried to help her all I could, and I still do. She's my sister, I'd do anything for her. I just wish she wasn't turning out the way she is.

And me, well I'm doing better than ever. My eating disorder has pretty much all gone away, I've stopped cutting, even though about a month after I moved in with Andy there was a scare and I was out in the hospital because I lost a lot of blood from cutting too deep. It didn't help that I didn't have proper eating habits. It just made it worse.

Andy was a wreck after that. It broke my heart seeing him like that, so I tried my hardest to stop, and eventually after four months I did.

After I left I never heard from my mom or dad again. Although I sometimes wonder if they're alive it not I've come to accept that I wasn't the reason for their downfall. I was just dragged into it by them. I'm also not mad at them anymore. I've suffered yeah, but in the end I'm a stronger person. Nothing anyone does or says can change that.

I've learned to stand up for that I want. To stand up for what I believe in. To stand up for myself. And it's all because of Andy.

This is my story. But it isn't the end, it's just started.

-Elizabeth Marie Biersack.
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SHOULD I POST THE SEQUEL? There's already 13 chapters for that, and it's still being written!