Best Day Ever

Best Day Ever

Here I am sitting in the middle of my History class thinking about what I'd just read in my email an hour before. My favorite band of all time was in town and doing a signing and very few people know about it. I know what you're thinking, "How do people not know if they're famous?" Well I'm in a fan club that lets me know about these things. Anyway you're probably wondering who they are. Well they are none other than My Chemical Romance. So back to History, I'm sitting here with my two best friends, Lucy and Todd, thinking of an evil scheme to get me down to the location, get things signed and pictures taken, AND get back before anybody notices I'm gone.
We walked all the way to gym class thinking about it. When we got there we found out that gym is inside today. We all decided since I'm the fastest out of the three of us I'd be the one to go and I'd get stuff for them too. We got to gym and me and Lucy came up with a plan since we were in the same locker room. We remembered there were no cameras outside the gym so we decided that was my exit. So we finished changing out and went out and started our warm ups with Todd. We filled him in on the plan and put it in motion. I winked at Lucy and Todd and 'passed out'. When I 'woke up' a few minutes later my gym teacher checked me over for injuries and sent me to lay down in the locker room for the remainder of class. Lucy went with me to 'make sure I didn't pass out again'. We then decided that she'd make sure the coast was clear and I'd make a break for it. I only had small notebook with me so I put it in my pocket. Lucy gave me the all clear and I hauled ass. I ran all the way to the location. Which wasn't too far. Did I mention it was only a few blocks from school?
When I got there I calmed my breathing and went in. I waited for what felt like forever. Finally it was my turn. Mikey was up first. "Hi. I'm Mikey. What's your name?" He asked me with a smiled. I smiled back at him. "My name is Riley." He smiled again. "It's nice to meet you, Riley." "It's nice to meet you too, Mikey." I handed him the notebook to sign and asked if he could sign to Lucy and Todd also since they were still at school. He nodded and sent my notebook down the line. I had turned around at one point and noticed that I was the last person so they were all making a group conversation with me as I went down the line. When I got to Gerard at the very end he said something that made me grin. "So Riley, if you're friends are in school today, you must have some cool parents to let you skip and come see us." A mischievous grin broke out across my face. "They don't know I'm here. Lucy and Todd are the only ones who do. They're waiting for me in gym class right now."
Gerard's eyes went the size of saucers. Frank and the rest of the guys heard this and burst out laughing. "You snuck out of school to come see us?" Gerard asked chuckling once the shock wore off. "Yup. Speaking of which I gotta get back before anyone notices I'm gone." "Okay well let us give you a ride since you risked your ass to come here." Frank said. "Okay. That would give me some extra time to get back since I won't have to run." We loaded up and they drove me back to school. On our journey back they asked how I pulled it off. I told them that I 'passed out' in gym class and the teacher made me go lay down in the locker room. "Well it was really nice meeting all of you. Thanks for the ride and you guys rock by the way." I told them. "They laughed and gave me a hug. "You're welcome. Thanks for letting us know that our music is important and for letting us know there are still rebels out there." Gerard said smiling. I smiled back, nodded, and went to go back inside before I got caught. I pulled on the door and nothing happened. The door was locked.
"Shit! I forgot the door locks on the inside." I texted Todd and Lucy an SOS. They went to the roof because that's the only other place with no cameras. I looked up at them and they down at me. The guys were all trying to think of a way to get me up there. "Guys, how in the hell do you expect me to get up there?" "You could always try pulling the broom stick out of your ass and ride it up here!" Todd yelled down to me. Lucy and the guys laughed their asses off at that. "Of course! Now why didn't I think of that? Oh that's right! Mine's broken! Can I borrow yours?" Everybody laughed harder than they already were at our little squabble. Just then Todd and Lucy threw a rope down to me. It was a little short but Ray gave me boost so I could reach it since he was the tallest of the group. I climbed until I made it to the top. "Thank you for your help!" I yelled down to them. "You're welcome! Thanks for the laughs!" Gerard called back. We giggled and waved goodbye. We then hauled ass back to the locker room.
We made it just in time. I was all sweaty of course so when the teacher walked in to check on me, Lucy was bathing my face with a cool, wet paper towel to give the added affect that I was 'sick'. "Lucy, help her dress out and then take her home. I'll write you both a note saying I gave you permission to leave since you two are roommates and Riley is sick." "Okay. There's only one problem, Miss. We rode with Todd today." "Okay well looks like he's going with you. Get to feeling better, Riley." "Thank you, Miss." We went and got Todd and we all went home. The whole rest of the weekend we jammed out to MCR and laughed like crazy people. Not only did we successfully sneak me out and back into school, but we also got to meet My Chemical Romance! If I do say so myself this was the best day ever!

The End.
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Disclaimer: I do not own My Chemical Romance or any lyrics that are in the story. I do however own Riley, Lucy, and Todd and the plot. This story was inspired by a dream I had.

Okay so you're probably wondering how they were able to make it past the cameras if the only spots in the school that there weren't any was the roof and outside the gym. The cameras move back and forth so they timed their movements. And Lucy and Todd live with Riley and her parents. That's how they are roommates.