Status: Hey guys! This is my first story post here in mibba! I hope you guys like it! ^_^

Make You Feel My Love (Frank Iero and Lily Collins Fan Fic)

Welcome Neighbor

Chapter 2 – Welcome Neighbor


I stepped outside the taxi, taking in the view of my new house. It was a bungalow style home that had red bricked walls for the foundation and a small front porch to its right that had a flower bed alongside 3 steep stairs towards the front door. ( A/N: I was having a hard time describing the house so I’m just going to post a picture of it. LOL. Sorry, read on.)

Hmm, not bad.

The taxi driver placed my luggage and my other bags beside me. How nice of him. I smiled and handed him a 5 dollar bill as tip. He didn’t want to accept it at first but I insisted and placed it in his hand. I wish there were a lot of taxi drivers like this man right here who doesn’t act like a dickhead towards their passengers. He then tipped his hat as a sign of thank you, climbed onto his taxi and drove away. The moving truck should be here in a few minutes. Well, might as well unlock the door to my new found freedom.

I opened my backpack and searched for the keys. Unlocking the door into my new home, I felt a sense of happiness. This is a big step for me. In my family, I was the only one who had the actual courage to move out and live on my own at such a young age. Well technically speaking, being 20 years d doesn’t really make you that young you know and you might think the same way but, to my family, it is. We have this close –family tie thingy. So basically a lot of my relatives were living with us. But it was getting a little bit crowded, so I decided to move out. My parents thought it was such a juvenile thing for me to choose to live on my own and earn money to provide for my needs over living a life of luxury with my whole family. I forgot to mention that my family is rich. Like Richie Rich rich. I am not a spoiled brat, to clarify anything that might go through your head. Anyways, it took time before I was able to convince my parents especially my mom. In the end, they finally gave in but in exchange, I wasn’t allowed to ask for money since I wanted to “experience” how to earn money on my own. I agreed and now I’m finally here, waiting for the moving truck to arrive that is by the way, taking so long to arrive.

How were you able to buy the house?

Good question. My parents wanted to make sure that even though I’m not living with them anymore, that I was safe. So they were the ones who chose my house here in Belleville, New Jersey. They also agreed to pay for the moving truck and other stuff to help my move.

The inside of the house was simple yet beautiful. The house was already fully furnished. It had a Living room, kitchen, dining room, two bathrooms, and one bedroom. Not too shabby I must say.

Time Elapsed

It’s been an hour and the moving truck has not yet arrived. I checked my watch, it was only 9 in the morning so I decided to take a walk and roam around my new neighborhood. I slid my phone and keys in my pocket then headed outside.

I stood in front of my new front porch then took a deep breath. I was on my way down the stairs when I noticed something that was moving from the trashcan next door. Giving into my curiosity, I walked my way towards the other lot. It was early in the morning so there wasn’t really any reason to be scared. I could just scream and half of the people in this neighborhood would come and check whatever the heck was happening.

A body of a man came into view drench in some kind of dirty puddle that has the awful stench that you can easily smell even from a far. My first reaction; I thought he was dead. I took a long stick from the lawn and poked the body. It was soft so it couldn’t be dead. Then it started to move. Shit. It mumbled something that I couldn’t really understand.

Poor man, he must have gotten too drunk that he wasn’t able to get home.

I couldn’t really leave the man their anymore. I felt like it was my responsibility to actually help him. Guess I could roam around my neighborhood some other time then. I started to carry him, I lifted him not really caring that I was getting drenched by what I think is his own vomit, brushing him off. I don’t get easily grossed out anyway. I guess my constant exercising surely paid off. I was able to carry the unconscious man up to my front porch. I gently laid the man on the pathway then went to unlock the door.

I left the door wide open and went back for the man. I tried to lift him but this time; I almost fell and lost my balance. Good thing I was able to place my hand on the ground for support just in time. I took a deep breath then started my way towards the house.

I slowly laid him on the couch placing his feet on top of a pillow. I took a sit on the chair beside him. I sighed. He wasn’t really that tall so, I guess that’s why I was able to actually carry him. But boy was that a workout!

I decided to give him a sponge bath. I stood up and went to the kitchen; got a bowl and filled it with tap water. I searched the drawers for a kitchen towel and was able to find one then scooted my way back to the man who lies drunk on my couch.

I kneeled in front of him, placing the bowl beside me. I soaked the towel; squeezed then started to gently wipe his face. That was the only time I was able to actually take a good look at him. He was pale white and has natural pink lips. He had a nose piercing that suited him fine. His hair was raven black and short; his hair covered his whole forehead but looked perfect on him. Wow. I snapped out of my thoughts then started on his neck. A scorpion tattoo displayed itself on his smooth pale neck. I wondered if he had anymore tattoos so I went and checked. He had a series of tattoos on both his hands and arms. Ooh, I got myself a bad boy. I didn’t know why but something inside me churned. Shit, this is not good. I finished off quickly then went to get a blanket from my luggage; took off his shirt that was drenched with vomit then covered him with it. Phew. He looked so peaceful and just handsomely perfect.

It was only then that everything hit me. I let a stranger who was passed out on the street into my home; cleaned him up and let him sleep on my couch. Shit Blaise! Did your parents not teach you to not talk to strangers let alone, carry them into your house?!? Oh well, whatever the hell happens, I know self-defense and I will not be afraid to use it. I sat back on the chair. I guess all the first aid and nursing lessons I took weren’t all put to waste. I looked at the man, observing him carefully; a concerned expression washed over my face.

I hope he’s okay. What a way to be welcomed into a new neighborhood.

I was starting to smell so I headed for the bathroom and took a long relaxing shower, hoping that the man sleeping on my couch is not a crazy maniac killer and would kill and rape me the moment I stepped out.
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Sorry it took so long! Hope you guys are still reading? I know it's a sucky chapter but it' will get better! Eventually. XD