Status: One-Shot

New Kittens

New Kittens

"Hey, Beau! I'm home!" I call to my boyfriend, of almost two years now, as I walk into our shared, overly small apartment.

"I'm in the bedroom!" is all I hear in reply and I can't help the smile that forms on my face at the sound of his voice. As cheesy as it sounds his voice is definitely my favorite sound...

I hung up my coat and dropped my bag onto the couch as I made my way down the short hall and towards are bedroom. I pushed the door open slowly and my eyes widen when I see what was lying on the bed.

Now some of you might be thinking something really inappropriate but I can tell you now it isn't...quite the opposite actually!

Because there, lying on the bed, was Beau and 5 little kittens crawling all over his chest and one full grown cat sprawled out at his feet.

“Vinny! Look what I found!" Beau exclaims, picking one of the kittens up gently and holding it out towards me "Aren't they adorable?"

"Yeah sure...but why the hell are they here?" I ask, my voice coming out a little harsher than I had intended it too.

"Um...I-I found them...and they were all cold and starving and stuff so I...brought them here and fed them..." He explains quietly, looking more nervous than excited now.

"You know I'm allergic to cats! Like...seriously allergic!" I groan, glaring at one of the tiny kittens that was currently clawing at my pillow. "They can't stay here!"

"B-But I can't leave them outside! They'll freeze to death...or get eaten or something!"

"So take them somewhere else! There is an animal shelter just outside of town and you can take them there!"

"I can't take them to a shelter! Shelters are gross..." Beau whines, huddling one of the kittens to his chest and staring at me with wide eyes. "Can't we keep them? Please? I promise I'll take care of them and you just have to take your medicine, the stuff you should be taking anyway!"

"No, Beau! They can't stay here..."

"But why not? You're the one that said I could get a pet if I wanted to!"

"I said you could get a dog, not some random cats off the street!"

"But I don't like dogs...and these aren’t just some cats...they have names..."

"You named them?"

"Yeah...this one is Buddy," he says, pointing at the fluffiest one of the 5 that’s currently sprawled across his chest "this one is Cocoa," he points to a tiny little black one curled against his leg "the orange one is Peanut and the white one with spots is Spaz..." He explains "The mom is Hunter!" He adds on.

"What about this one?" I ask softly, looking down at the one that had somehow made its way off the bed and towards me and was now chewing intently on my shoelace.

"That one is Sampson..."

"Sampson? Why would you name it Sampson?"

"You said a while ago that you missed you're old dog...his name was Sampson right?" He asks hesitantly, frowning up at me.

" was..." I mutter, staring down at the kitten by my feet.

"He reminded me of the pictures you showed me a while ago...they had the same colors and everything!" He exclaims.

I groan quietly and kneel down, grabbing the cat carefully before standing back up. I hold the small animal close to my face and he hisses softly, swatting at my nose with his tiny paw.

"He likes you!" Beau grins happily.

"He sure has a funny way of showing it..." I chuckle softly, looking from the kitten towards Beau who was giving me one of the cutest looks I have ever seen, and that’s saying something because this kid is seriously adorable.

"C-Can we keep them please, Vinny?" He asks softly.

I groan once again and look at the kittens, most of them were climbing over their mother but Sampson was still trying to claw at my face and the fluffy one, Buddy?, was pawing at Beau's lip ring.

"I...fine!" I exclaim, startling Sampson and making him hiss at me "but you are taking care of them and they can't sleep in our bed!"

Beau squeals happily, moving the kittens off of him carefully before jumping off the bed and running towards me to wrap me in a tight hug. As Beau hugs me Sampson claws at his head, making him giggle softly "He's a feisty little guy..." He mumbles into my chest.

"Yeah he is...just you wait until he's older and starts shredding things for the fun of it..." I laugh and he giggles again.

"You know they're going to sleep in our bed anyway..." Beau chuckles as he pulls away from the hug.

"Yeah...but I don't have to be happy about it..." I sigh, laying Sampson on the bed as carefully as possible while he bites at my fingers.
Despite my slight hatred of cats I’m starting to think that maybe this wasn't the worst decision, Beau is happy and honestly that is one of the few things that matters to me.
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Well...I'm sorry for my absence the past few months! I sort of hit a block with my writing and didn't do anything for a while but then this happened and you should be looking forward to some more things from me soon!

I hope you guys like this and if you do feel free to leave a comment and let me know!