Schrei So Laut Du Kannst

Sad Good-Byes

Finally, after months upon months of my father ignoring my existence, and my mother running scared when he came into the same room as she, it was time to say good-bye to the boys. They would be leaving two days after school ended, and this would leave me alone all summer. I'll admit it: I was terrified. but their knowledge prodded them to comfort me as well as they could, for as long as they could. I mean, you can't stay in a house where a girl is being abused and not become close to her. It's just...almost impossible.

"Thank you for this party," Tom murmured as we walked to the park that had become our favourite hang-out.

"You're welcome. I can't believe you're leaving in less than ten hours."

"Me, neither. I really will miss you."

"I'll miss you, too."

He embraced me as I started crying, and Bill skipped over to join. When I calmed, they smiled widely and began spinning me on the merry-go-round. I laughed out loud once they jumped on.

"Don't worry, Katy. We're only an ocean away."

"Then why does it feel like a thousand?"

"I do not know. But it will change."

"I hope."

"Come on, you three. The plane's boarding."

I hugged them one last time and watched their retreating backs. When they got past security, they turned and, amid the glares from my father and people staring, shouted:

"Ich liebe dich!"

I smiled through my tears.
♠ ♠ ♠

did you like the reference to 1000 meere?

and did you like the two updates in one night?!?!

i'll update more tomorrow.
i promise!