Schrei So Laut Du Kannst



"What, Katy?"

"Can I go to Erin's house?"


"Why not?"

"Because I said no."


"Damn it, Katy, what do you want me to do?"

"Never mind. Tell Dad you said no, but I went anyway."

"You're not going anywhere."

"Fuck you."

I was getting used to my dad's hits since Bill and Tom left, but that never made the experience any more enjoyable. I pushed past him and went toward the door, but he slammed me into the wall and punched me again. My mother screamed for him to stop; I told her to stay out of it. Finally, he stopped when he saw I wasn't going to cry.

"Get the fuck out. Leave. Don't come back."

I ran to my room and gathered up what was important to me: a large folder of letters, my laptop, CDs, Discman, mp3 player, batteries, USB cord, clothes, purse, passport and my teddy bear. Once everything was packed, I sneaked into the living room and stole my dad's Visa credit card from his wallet. Since he wanted me out, he was going to pay for it. I carried my bags to the bus depot and waited.

At the airport, I purchased a ticket to Canda but then immediately turned around and sold it to someone else who couldn't be fit onto the flight. This money was used to buy another ticket. I cut up the credit card and threw the fragments into the trash can.

I glanced around at the houses, not sure exactly of what to do. I made up my mind and knocked on a door. A woman of mid-to-late-thirties answered and smiled.

"Can I help you?"

"Frau Trümper?"