Schrei So Laut Du Kannst

Good News

Days passed and quickly turned to weeks, then months. I had sent a letter home telling my parents that I was fine, and they needn't worry. I didn't leave a return address and left it at that. One morning, the twins slammed into the house, followed in a quieter manner by Gustav, Georg, and Andreas, whom I had met two whole days after I'd landed in Germany.

"Where's my mom?" Bill asked excitedly.

"Uh, shopping. Why?"

"Because you are looking at the proud of members of Devilish, a signed band."

"No way!"


I embraced them all quickly, before Bill caught my hands and made me jump in a circle with him. Andreas joined in, and I began giggling as Tom and Gustav shook their heads. Georg merely looked on in amusement.

"What's going on?"

"Mutti! Guess what!"

"Guys, help her put the groceries away first, then tell her."

Ten minutes later, the items were stored in their respective places, and Simone had poured herself a cup of tea. We sat at the table and waited until the twins quit arguing over who was going to give their mother the news. Finally, the elder one faced us.

"Mom, Devilish got signed."

"Das ist wunderbar. Glückwünsche!"

I grinned and began cooking dinner for everybody. Gordon came home not long after I had finished putting food on the table. He apologised for being late and sat at his place.

"Oh, Katy, I am so sorry. I should have helped."

"It's okay, Simone. You guys were having a family moment. I wasn't going to interrupt that."

"You are family, sweetie."

I swallowed the tears. "You guys better eat before it gets cold. And I'm sorry if it's not as good as Simone makes it."

"Don't be ridiculous! This is wonderful!" the twins praised in unison.

"It truly is, Katy. It's exactly as I make it."

"Aren't you eating, too?"

"Uh, no. I'm not hungry."


"I'll be fine. I'm going to watch some T.V. in your room."

But instead of turning on the television, I switched the computer from sleep-mode to power-up. I signed onto my messenger, wondering if the girls were still awake.


ABC Chick says: hi, hersh. I'm fine.

Hershey says: that's NOT what i asked. WHERE ARE YOU?!?!

ABC Chick says: does it matter?

Hershey says: does it MATTER?! yes, it matters damn it i wanna come to kick your ass for leaving your father has come over here almost every fucking day asking whether or not weve seen/talked to youi

Hershey says: were worried katy we didn't/don't know where the hell you ran off to, if you are/were safe none of that! did you not give a damn about how we felt?

ABC Chick says: well, how the fuck does my dad feel? i hope he feels as bad as I did i hope to GOD he now feels some guilt

Hershey says: he does, katy. please come home.

ABC Chick says: no. im not coming back.

ABC Chick says: i'm sorry, but i'm not going to live in WWIII anymore

Hershey says: fine whatever do what you want bye.

Hershey has signed out