Schrei So Laut Du Kannst

I Deserve It?


I sighed, laid on Tom's bed, and thought about the events leading up to my current situation. Did Erin actually think I'd come home just so my dad could abuse me more? Couldn't she see I didn't need, nor could I stand, the pain?


"Ja, Tom?"

He crawled under the blankets to lay next to me, and I smiled at him. We were silent for a long while, just listening to the people in the kitchen as they talked.

"You miss your home, don't you?"

"Not necessarily my home. Just my friends."

"Why don't you go back to visit?"

"Because I'm not stupid. If I did, I'll be arrested and sent to a group home for running away, my parents will force me to quit talking to you guys, and my dad would kill me. Literally."

"Can't they trace your instant messages? Like, the IP address?"

"No. Your computer's IP address changes constantly, so they'd be looking for it on some computer in Africa or something. Don't worry. I checked it out when I first got here."

"Oh. Good. I don't want you to leave."

"Me, either. I'm quite happy."

"I'm glad."

I looked up at him to see he was already half-asleep. "Good-night, Tom."

"Guten nacht, Katy."

When Bill laid next to me an hour and a half later, Tom was totally unconscious, and I was on my way to the Land of Dreaming. The black-haired twin whispered a quick "sweet dreams" and fell asleep also.

The next day, Simone chased me from the kitchen with a spatula and forced me to go with the boys to their band rehearsal. I did so reluctantly, taking my cell phone with me. That was something Gordon had insisted I'd had in order to alert my parents if I ever changed my mind about coming homeyeah fricking right, like that was going to happen, but I never argued. It was an easier way to text my friends.

hey katy hersh told me about what happened on im last nite

hey anal yea she got shitty with me

plz jus tell me where u r


y not?

because im not going to if i tell, my parents will come and get me


i DESERVE to have the shit beaten outta me every day?!?!

no thats not wat i ment

then what did you mean?

u dont need 2 b so far 4rm home

where im at has become more of a home than that goddamn prison

plz katy come home soon i luv and miss u

too bad im not coming home i love it here

where is here?

somewhere my dad can't touch me