Schrei So Laut Du Kannst

Grim Expressions Equal Bad News


Tom and I hadn't spoken after the kiss, and it had been almost two weeks. I was enrolled in their school and suffering from lack of knowing German as everyone else did. Thankfully, Bill translated a lot for me, but Tom hardly said anything to me. I sat next to him in Maths---the one class I needed no translations for.

Tom, please speak to me

about what?

Why won't you talk to me?

because...i don't know actually...i guess....oh i have no idea

I smiled and began writing down the homework assignment,.

"Katy? Please come here." Everyone besides Tom made the universal "ooh!" sound, and I walked to the teacher's desk. "The principal wishes to speak to you in his office."

"May I have a pass?"

Once the pink paper was in my hands, I picked up my books and walked to the main office. The secretary pointed to the closed door from behind which voices---familiar voices---came. I took a deep breath and knocked.


I found Simone and Gordon sitting in front of the giant oak desk. "What is going on?"

"Katy, your parents figured out you were in Germany. They've got a good guess that you're at our house."

"They're not coming, are they?"

The grim expressions on their faces told me my answer. I just nodded and headed back to class.

katy, what was that about?

It's nothing.

don't lie!!!

It's nothing.


FINE! My parents found out I'm here. Theyre coming to get me.

NO WAY katy i'll make sure you don't have to leave.

I have to, Tom. I'm sorry.

We walked silently to my next class, which I shared with Andreas. Outside the door, he stopped and pulled me in for a tight embrace. Noiseless tears slid from my eyes, landing on his white t-shirt; when I stepped away, I saw the mascara marks.

"Oh, Tom."

"Don't worry. You'd better get in there."

"I don't wana leave."

"I know, Katy, and I don't want you to leave, either."

"But I have to."

"Remember. It's only one year."

"And a thousand oceans."

"Dann wird alles gut."

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too."

He hugged me again, and I ran into the room just as the bell rang.

"Herr Kaulitz, Ich schlage vor, Sie bekommen auf Klasse."

Tom nodded and walked away from the door. Andreas leaned over and tapped my shoulder. I turned; he screwed up his face into a "what's wrong?" expression.

I'm leaving.

why? where to? when? WHAT?

my parents found out I'm here. My home and I'm not sure. Either tonight or tomorrow.

that sucks. i am so sorry

Me, too. I want to stay here.

i understand