Schrei So Laut Du Kannst

Not listening

I nodded, pulled a pair of jeans and an Ozzy Osbourne t-shirt over my tank-top and shorts, yanked my flip-flops off of my feet, and ran down the hallways to Anatomy. Lesly was flipping the chalkboard over to reveal pre-written notes. We all sat in the unused seats, having just hid the more comfortable chairs in a storage closet, and pulled out our notebooks just as the door opened.

"So any questions? Yes, Ms. Michaels."

"What exactly do the back legs do?"

A snicker ran through the class at the inquiry I'd thought of out of nowhere, but one dark look from the man in the doorway quelled the amused laughter. Lesly smiled, pleased, and pointed at the board.

"The hind legs propel the frog forward either through water or over land."

"Do you mean to tell me---?"

"Quiet, Parker."

Ten minutes later, Mia's voice---the voice of our principal---came over the P.A., alerting us that Mr. Bradley was gone. A huge sigh of relief reverberated throughout the entire school, and the rest of the day passed in the normal fashion.

After school, I hurried to my room and shut my door. I prayed that I wouldn’t have to listen to what was being said. A quick upload, and voilà, my computer was ready.

AnalErin says:so miss k-l-m, how is you?

ABC Chick says: I’ve been better.

AnalErin says: oh, say no more. i totally understand

AnalErin says: so Hershey tells me you’re going to be a host family.

ABC Chick says: yeah

AnalErin says: do you know where they’re from yet?

ABC Chick says: nope, but i don’t honestly care they’re just foreign exchange students. they’ll come, visit for a while, then leave and forget all about this hellhole i call my hometown

AnalErin says: hun, you’re depressing

ABC Chick says: im honest

AnalErin says: brutally (!!!) honest

ABC Chick says: it does the trick, don’t it?

ABC Chick says: well, uh, i hate to do this, but it’s dinner time

AnalErin says: mkay just remember my door’s always open for ya.

AnalErin says: er---my window is anyway =]

ABC Chick says: fine. love ya.

AnalErin says: love ya too

ABC Chick has logged out

I sighed and pushed away from my desk. My mother handed me a plate in the kitchen, and I carried it and a glass of diet soda to the living room. My dad was already sitting in front of the television, chewing almost trance-like, and his eyes were glued to his favourite show. I remained quiet and ate my food as quickly and silently as possible. My mother stared at her plate, not looking up throughout the whole meal. Once my food was gone, I went to the kitchen and stuck my plate in the dishwasher; I refilled my cup and ran to my room. Both Erins were sitting on my bed when I got there.