Schrei So Laut Du Kannst


"But I hate walking," Bill whined for the tenth time.

"Schweigen," Tom ordered; I figured by the face Bill was making, he had been told to shut up, and I was proved right by the silence that followed Tom's command.

The mall loomed in front of us as we pushed back the branches. The last part of our walk had taken us straight through the woods and caused Bill to freak out. He was afraid of insects, as the "gangster" twin had told me between our giggles. Once I had assured Bill that there were no bugs on him, we continued. Now here we were, entering a large building, almost completely deserted since it was a Monday.

"Oh, mein gott! Katy, come here! Please!"

"What, Bill?"



"Yeah. She's a---"

"I know who she is. I just didn't know they had her album here."

"We've got to get it."

"Hang onto it. I wanna check something." I whispered, "What is Tom's favourite artist?"

"Uh, Samy Deluxe. Why?"

"Sh. It's a surprise."

I found Tom in the hip-hop section, searching. Bill caught on and started to distract his brother. I sneaked by and grabbed the only CD they had by that rapper.

With both albums in a bag, purchased, we headed back to my house. Tom looked dejected, swearing he had seen Samy Deluxe's CD in the store; they again sat on my bed, and I tossed the bag at Tom. He glared at me but pulled out one of the discs; lo and behold, he had in his hands...

"Samy Deluxe!"

I laughed, "Yeah. I figured since I was buying Nena's for Bill, I could be nice to you."

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much!"

"You're welcome."

"Boys! Dinner!"

The fact that my father had not called my name, did not go unnoticed.