The End


Time, I always overlooked the value of time. All I have is thirty minutes left. It is different when you see the count down of your own life, depleting by the second. I used to believe in a God and an afterlife, but I no longer know. I now feel when I am gone nothing is left, the carbon I am is just scattered then reused to make more organic matter as myself. The only way to be remembered is through the acts that I do. I have to be a hero so no one remembers me as a villain. This is my end, but I will be saved, I will be saved in the memories of the people, the people that make it. However I know no one will make it. Without the cure we do not know how to save everyone, we will all die before we make more. The formula for the cure is gone and anything left of it will be to. Any new person is only a machine. They will not know how to read all these works. People have slaved over typewriters with these. Ah, my third favorite person, Ernest Hemmingway, The Man and The Sea. A book about Ernest failing as an author. His life was falling apart as is mine, but some would say I have given up. My clock is ticking down, this is my last spot.

"Are you even listening to me?" my roommate questioned.
"Yep, I got it." I answered so he would leave.
"I'm heading into work, stop by the diner at the end of my shift to take the car to the mechanic."
"Alright, I'll be there."
He left the apartment. He treats me as his lesser. Are we not all equal. I got up from staring into the television and walked over to my fridge I opened it and reached in for a Coke. "I really need to sort my life out." I said aloud. I set down the Coke and picked up a Diet-Coke. I went back over and sat down in front of the couch.
The phone was ringing, I quickly got up and picked it up
"What's up?"
"I'm not feeling to great, today has been awful, one of the homeless outside tried to atta-"
"Look man I don't care, why did you call."
"I may be heading home early, don't worry about taking my car to the mechanic with me later."
I hung up. I looked at the time, it was 1:00pm. Shit! I have plans with Beth at two.
I ran upstairs, I turned on the shower and tossed my clothes off and stepped in. The water rushed over me. Then my world went to shit-storm.
The complex rumbled, the lights went off, the water stopped soon after. Someone's meth lab must have blown off. I didn't want to be found naked in a shower, I was scared, but I had no time to fear. I grabbed my towel and dried off. I rushed out the bathroom and as I was moving, off a second rumble. Planes were herd outside zooming by overhead with loud roars. I turned on the tele in my room and flipped to a news station. New York City, Washington D.C. and any other heavily populated area was being hit wave after wave of bombs. What was the terrorist group doing this? The US Military. But it didn't stop there, London, Tokyo, countries everywhere were attacking themselves. Killing civilians. The world was killing everyone it could and we were defenseless.