Status: Weekly updates

Akatsuki Princess

Sasuke's Secret

Sasuke and I left without a word. I glared at the ground. I was angry with Iruka; he had no right to assume anything about me, even if his assumptions were true. I sighed and shook my head. It was no use getting angry. I needed to clear my head and relax a little. The stress from the day was starting to get to me.
“Ummm, are you hungry? Or should we just head to my place?” Sasuke seemed as if he didn’t really know what to say.
“We could go to your house. If we get hungry I can always make something for us to eat.” I stopped staring at the ground to glance at him. To my surprise, he was staring at me with a look of apprehension. “I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “I’m not mad at you or anything. I just don’t understand why teachers always have to butt into students’ business. If a kid doesn’t want to pay attention why bother making them. As long as they’re not being a distraction, just leave them alone!”
I shook my head. “It’s just so stupid! We learn useless things that won’t help us with anything in life! School is the most pointless thing for a kid old enough to work. Give us a job! Let us make money for ourselves! Don’t hole us up and waste our time with other kids who don’t appreciate what they have for 6 hours straight! It makes me sick.
“Why bother anyway? Half the kids you start out with in first grade are only going to drop out by high school anyway. A quarter of them aren’t going to amount to anything in life either. Hell, most of those kids are going to mooch off their parents for as long as they can, and then inherit everything so they can live easy. Only a handful of us are going to try to do anything, and even so, we’re going to have a hard time doing it.
“Face it: someone like me would never get a job over, say, you or Kiba. Even Sakura and Ino have a much better chance than I do. It’s not what you know or what you can do. It’s who you know, who your family is, that helps in life. And I’m a nobody.”
“Hn,” was the only reply he gave me. We walked in silence the rest of the way to his house.
We got to his house ten minutes later and my jaw almost dropped. However, I managed to keep my outward composure as I quickly surveyed the large house and grounds. His parents must be rich. The thought was enough to make me look down at my clothes.
A light pink t-shirt and a pair of black slacks. As Sasuke led me into the house, I vaguely wondered if his parents would like me. I also pondered over whether they would have heard anything about me from Sasuke.
We walked through the ornate foyer into his living room. “The guys’ll probably show up soon. Naruto’s probably eating at Icharaku Ramen and Kiba and Shikamaru are most likely grabbing a snack from their folks.” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“What about Choji and Shino?”
“Choji might come later, but he eats a big meal after school and takes a nap. I don’t think Shino’s coming though.”
I nodded. “You’re parents are pretty cool to just let everyone come over like that. Where are they?”
Sasuke looked at me with hard eyes. “Dead. Itachi killed them. He killed my whole clan.” His voice was strained with hatred and pain. My eyes widened.
“Oh my God. I had no idea. I…how do you afford this place then?”
The boy stared at me strangely. “It’s all paid off. I don’t have to pay anything. No condolences? No “I’m sorry’s”? You’re a strange person.”
“Condolences are stupid. They never help. Know that from first hand experience.” Sasuke nodded.
“So, he’s a killer. No wonder he’s so mean…” I let my voice trail off. I was talking more to myself than Sasuke, but I guess he didn’t notice.
“He used to be cool. I don’t know what happened. We were really close, and I looked up to him so much! I wanted to be just like him.” He stopped.
“Now you probably hate him. How do you afford the taxes on this place?”
Sasuke cocked an eyebrow. “Taxes? On a house? You must be joking! Once you pay off your house you don’t have to pay anything else unless something breaks. Where the hell do you come from?”
“America” I answered simply. Just then, the doorbell rang.