Status: Weekly updates

Akatsuki Princess


I followed Sasuke to answer the door. Naruto stood before, completely out of breath. He was hunched over and panting like a dog. I raised my eyebrows inquisitively. “Dobe,” Sasuke muttered. “What did you do? Run here?”
Naruto nodded, pointing vaguely in a direction. When he looked up, I gasped. Naruto was sporting a black eye and a bloody nose. Before he could catch his breath, I brought him to the couch and found some ice.
“Thanks,” he smiled at me.
“It’s no problem. What happened?” I heard Sasuke laugh behind me and turned to face him.
“Naruto’s always getting into fights.” He shrugged. “He doesn’t have that many friends. In fact, half the village hates him.”
My gaze went back and forth between the boys. Sasuke had a small smirk on his face, which made me kind of angry for some reason. Naruto on the other hand, was staring at the floor, sadly.
“It’s ok, Naruto! I’m your friend.” I changed the subject quickly. “Come on, guys, lets go teach me stuff.” I walked out of the house into Sasuke’s massive backyard. Naruto and Sasuke soon joined me. “So what do we do first?” I asked.
“Probably shadow clones. It’s always shadow clones!” Naruto grumbled next to me.
“Actually, Naruto, since Kamiko doesn’t know squat, we’re just gonna kind of learn about chakra and practice focusing it and stuff. We start simple and get harder. She doesn’t even know what chakra is, Baka.” Sasuke responded.
“Yes I do!” I squealed excitedly. “Chakra is energy that you can manipulate and it helps you in fights!” I glanced between the two of them, and my eye caught Kiba coming around the corner. “Hi, Kiba. So did I get it right?”
All three boys began laughing, and Kiba answered me. “Yes. That’s absolutely correct. Now, how do you control your chakra?”
I looked down. “Ummm, by focusing on it?” Common sense had worked its way into my brain; I was ready for any question they could think of.
“Good! Now, how do you focus on it?”
“What do you mean? You think really hard about it.”
“About what?”
“And what is chakra?”
Kiba was getting annoying, asking me questions in circles. “It’s energy you can control!”
“Ok, but what is it really?”
I stamped my foot in frustration. “What do you mean ‘what is it really?’ I just told you what it is! Stop beating around the bush. I obviously don’t know, so teach me already!”
“Ooh, feisty.” I blushed at Kiba’s words. “Ok, Sasuke. I’ll let you handle the real teaching.
“Thanks, Kiba.” Sasuke’s words were soaked in sarcasm. “I was hoping Shikamaru would get here sooner. He’s so much better at tutoring. I just get mad, but he’s lazy enough to be patient.”
“Wait. If Shika’s the teacher, then why are we at your house?”
Sasuke smirked at me. “I have a bigger house, a bigger yard, and no parents or siblings to get in the way.” I nodded; it made sense. “Ok, let’s see. How to explain chakra…Naruto? Do you wanna try?”
Naruto laughed. “Ok. This is gonna be easy. Chakra is like this colorful energy stuff inside you. Like you said you can control it if you focus enough. But if you get like crazy mad or scared, it kinda takes over.”
Sasuke and Kiba looked at him like he was an idiot. “Alrighty then. Chakra is—“
I interrupted Sasuke. “It’s like adrenaline, kinda. It takes over cause it’s your fight or flight but since it’s manipulative energy, I’m guessing it’s mostly to fight. And the other part of it, the part you control is like…telepathic play-dough! You can probably shape it and stuff, which is why you can make stuff like shadow clones, right?”
Naruto looked triumphant, whereas Kiba and Sasuke were dumbfounded. “How the hell did she understand that?”
“Well, if you think about it,” Kiba tried to make my understanding logical, “she’s got a five-year-old’s understanding of what it is. Naruto’s explanation was perfect for a five-year-old.” Sasuke nodded, and I frowned. I didn’t like the way they were talking about the blond boy.
“What’s your problem? He explained it perfectly!”
Kiba stared at me. “But…it was such a bizarre way of explaining. I never would have thought about it like that. He brought it down to a child’s level. Yours is weirder, though. I’ll grant you that. I mean, telepathic play-dough?”
I shrugged. “It makes sense to me.” Kiba just shook his head in wonder.
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So I have a bunch of chapters written, I just need to type them up. I'm going to TRY to update every week but every time I say that I'm lucky if I get three weeks out of it. Enjoy!